Drink To Forget

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Word Count: 1155

Pairings: Castiel x Reader

Warnings: angst, mentions of death, possible trigger, language

A/N: Request from Tumblr, older story.

Summary: No one would believe you if you told them. They would call you crazy, probably send you away. So you kept quiet, and you drank to forget, to numb the fear.


You waved the bartender over, sliding your cup towards him to refill. You rested your head on one hand while you swirled the liquid around in your cup. You had become a regular at the shabby bar in this small town. That wasn’t always the case though, it wasn’t until a few months ago that you decided to drown yourself in cheap booze and hangovers.

When you had the unfortunate pleasure of watching someone get ripped to shreds. That alone was enough to give anyone nightmares. However, it was what killed that man that drove you to drink. It couldn’t have been human, not with the way it howled, the way it’s claws tore open that man’s chest. You downed your shot.

“Should we not be doing research?”

That caught your attention, you knew almost everyone in this town and you had never heard that voice before. You turned your head to watch the three men who had just walked in.

“We’ve been driving for ten hours Cas, which means we need food.”

The man in the trench coat furrowed his eyebrows as he followed the other two men to a table.

“And this will help with the research?”

The short haired man sighed and opened his menu. They started talking in hushed whispers, and you turned back around. You focused back on your drink, but had the distinct feeling of being watched.

‘Just ignore it.’ You thought to yourself.

You heard a chair scrapping against the floor, and the sound of footsteps.


The footsteps stopped beside you and you glanced at the man with trench coat.


You raised an eyebrow when he continued to stare at you.

“You’ve seen something.”

You looked back at the other two men who were watching you now as well. An uneasy feeling settled in your stomach.

“I’ve seen a lot of things, can you be less vague?”

You rose the glass to your lips but froze at his next words.

“You saw the thing that’s been killing people.”

His bluntness surprised you but not nearly as much as him knowing why you were practically swimming in alcohol. You pulled out a wad of cash, throwing it onto the bar.

“You’re crazy.”

You grabbed your jacket from the back of the chair and started heading for the door. You hurried down the street trying to get home as quick as you could. The sound of several sets of footsteps following you didn’t go unnoticed. You stopped walking, whirling around to face them.

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