-Ask a proxy spell-

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This spell was created by me and @SpringLock_67 

Make sure to check @SpringLock_67  ! She was a huge help in forming this spell!

Warning: You must take this seriously and not fangirl over the proxy.  




-writing utensil

-candle of any kind


-device to play music on (optional)

-Offering (to give to proxy)

-Paper with the Operator's symbol

-This can be done with one or more people.


Everyone doing this with you must say the same. (optional)

You can pick two proxies. If you choose two proxies you must write both names on separate pieces of paper and say both of the names three times.

-Breathe in and relax yourself. Once that's done place the candle in front of you and light it. On the piece of paper write the name of the proxy(s) you are trying to communicate with.

-As you are writing say: "Oh mighty SlenderMan, I ask of thee to send one of thy allies to me, I have a question to ask of them. No harm shall come to me at this moment." Then burn the paper while saying the proxy's name three times. Next say this: "Please enter through_____" (where you want them to enter from. ) 

-Place the gift in front of you and back up away from it. The gift must be placed above a paper with the operator's symbol. Wait for a moment, then introduce yourself if you feel a presence near you. You can play music to make them feel at ease and not make it awkward.Make them comfortable and explain what the gift is. Be polite.

-Wait for them to come out. If they don't, write your question down on paper and place it out of eyesight. Then put the gift next to it. Outloud, say where you put it. If they do, wait for them to come out and be in the same room as you. Say how long you would like them to be there. Do not go over two hours as they are busy.

- Next, tell them to leave by saying: "I thank you for being here to answer my questions, but I am afraid it is time for you to accept your gift and part ways." 

-Blow out the candle.


-The offering CANNOT be something that could remind the proxy of their past. You must be polite. Ask serious questions. 

-I recommend that before you put the gift in front of you, you hold the candle.

-This could be done anytime of the day, at anytime.

-The maximum amount you can do this for is one to two hours.

-Proxies you can ask for are Ticci Toby, Masky, Hoodie, and Kate the Chaser.


Hope you enjoyed it!


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