Chapter 1

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Coronavirus spreading across the world

New virus taking the lives of thousands

COVID-19 has spread to the U.S.

Scientists can't seem to find a cure to this new virus

Is this the end of the world?

I laugh at the articles popping up on my screen. I never expected the world to fall for this trick. Maybe a country or two. Schools, shops, parks, anything you can really think of has closed because of this "virus". You see, I sent out a bat to a random country filled with enough-

Hold on. Did you really believe that lie too? God people are gullible. You see, this is all a game. A game to see who the strongest of the people are. Who can fight the... hmm, I'm not telling you what it is just yet. You don't need to know that information. Not now at least.

My friends and I decided, "Hey! If people think humans can do anything, let's see how they adjust to a virus?" Well, that hasn't aged well. We've already got thousands of people on the sleeping pills in our rooms.

You know those scientists who just magically went to mars to see if it was safe for humans to live there? Yeah. Look where we are now? We've found many resources to help us make high tech machines- Damn, this sounds like one of those games you make as children, huh? The make believe games where everybody wants to be the hero, right? Well... that became a reality. We made a whole lab like thing on mars to watch the people.

"Kate, we got a couple hundred more people about to be buried," my best friend, Alex, says. He's been the most helpful with this.

"Alright. You, Jackie, Sam, and Grace go down to earth and pick them up. Thanks, by the way. And-"

"Don't get caught. I know," he laughs. I just smile. We've been having to go down every week to get the people. They don't really do much when they wake up. Half decide to help us and the other half just lives here, which, we don't really mind. The place is too cool to not want to just live here.

I decided to go check up on all the people sleeping. I know that kids aren't as affected by the virus, but that doesn't mean they aren't here, because they are. They're the ones I have the most sympathy for. Most get lucky and have their family here with them. Some are orphans which is even more heartbreaking. When I'm not watching earth with my friends, or, coworkers, I'm playing with the kids. Either because I like them or because nobody else will.

I walk into the room with all the sleeping people to find about 50 awake. They're faces either look scared, mad, confused, or all three. I don't blame them, honestly. This is a cruel game we've made, but we can't stop now.

"Hello. My name Is Kate, and you are all at our lab. You all assume you "died" of COVID, right? Well, it is not a thing. This is all a game some people and I have created. And no, I will not tell you why we have done this. You all have failed our game for the human race. You can either live here and do nothing, or join us Game Makers. Now, you guys won't have as big of jobs as us Game Makers, but you are still important. People who decide to just live here go to the left side of the room, and the Game Makers the right side." I explain like every other time a group of people wake up.

Most people go to the left side as quickly as they can, dodging the cots set up. Some people go to the left side. One girl stays right where she is... mad.

"You can't do this! This is kidnapping! A crime! You do know that the police will find you and have you all arrested." She rants and eventually tries to lunge at me. A take a step back and press the button to make the clear barrier go up around me. The girl face plants right into the barrier and falls to the ground. She starts to say some... colorful... words under her breath.

"Now that you're... sitting, I guess, I'll explain more so your curious brain doesn't explode," I smile at her. She rolls her eyes. "Technically you all played my game. You just.. didn't know it yet. The police won't arrest us because by the time they find out this is a game, they'll be here themselves all defenseless." I say with fake pity. "And if they do find out they won't know where we are because we're on a certain planet called Mars."

The girl gasps. She then gets up, hangs her head low, and walks the left side.

"Alright!" I say. "Right side, stay here for now. I'll come back for you in a minute. Left side follow me." I say and start walking towards one of the many doors.

I open the door and ring the bell. Madison and Levi come walking down the stairs and they smile at us. I walk up to them and turn around. Just like every other group of people, they all stand the with their jaws and the ground. Most likely because of how futuristic our whole place is.

"These are the dorms. It's pretty self explanatory about what is in here. Rooms upon rooms, upon rooms, upon rooms, upon even more rooms, upon-" Madison starts before she gets cut off by Levi.

"I think they get it, Mads."

"This is where you'll be staying until our little game is over," I say, smiling. I don't know how much more smiling I can take before my mouth falls off.

"Little," the girl from earlier scoffs.

"You'll be staying with three other people. And no, there are no co-ed rooms. So you'll be with only people of your gender," I say before walking out my favorite group, leaving Madison and Levi with them.

"Who's ready for training?" I shout receiving some whoops, yells, and a few groans from the 10 people in front of me.

This is going to be fun.

So what did you think? I personally love this story! I hope you guys do too. I just hope I don't get bored of it like I usually do 😅. Anyway, I'll try updating once or twice a week, although I'm not sure with school starting next week lol. Hope you enjoy the story! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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