Broken Promises

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• It was always difficult for you to trust people. After being cheated on and lied to multiple times by past lovers, it caused you to grow major trust issues. You weren't sure if you'd ever fall in love again. But ever since you met Jeonghan, you've always felt like you were on cloud nine. Yes, Jeonghan knew about your trust issues, and yes, you trusted Jeonghan, but you weren't sure if he'd do the same as what happened with you and your exes.

Y/n Pov

"I'm going to come back home late, don't wait for me." said Jeonghan before hanging up the call

Why didn't he say goodbye?
Why is he going out so much lately?
Did he fall out of love?

• It wasn't the first time he had been doing this month. Continuously going out late and coming back  early in the morning. You never knew what Jeonghan was doing whenever he went out late because when you would ask him, he would just change the subject. You started getting insecure about your guy's relationship, wondering if he was cheating on you while he was out. But you always told yourself not to overthink.

•  Jeonghan taught you how to love yourself which you have never done before. And losing him was one of your biggest fears because you didn't want to be alone, not again.

- 5 hours later -

3:45 am it read on your phone as you heard someone at your front door messing with keys. You sat up on the couch straightening your pajamas. There came Jeonghan walking through the door with a smile on his face. Once he saw you, his smile quickly faded away and sighed deeply.

"I told you not to wait for me." Jeonghan said

"Where were you?" you asked him

"I was nowhere. Why do you always want to know where I am all the time?!" Jeonghan said starting to get annoyed

"Why do I want to know?! I'm your girlfriend for God's sake!" you said starting to get heated up by his words

"Y/n please, I'm tired. Let's just talk about this in the morning. I'm already exhausted from practice." Jeonghan said as he walked away from the living room into the bathroom

There he goes again, dodging the topic one again.

- 3 days later -
Jeonghan Pov

Y/n has seemed very off lately. She wouldn't talk as much and would be quieter than usual. It's hard to explain, but something is off with her.

• We were sitting on the couch watching a comedy movie and she hasn't said anything to me or laughed throughout the entire time.

"Is everything okay? You've literally not said anything tonight." I asked her worriedly

"Yeah it's n-nothing, why would you think that?" she said with a panicked look on her face

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything." I said

• She took a deep breath

"Okay.." she began "I've just have been overthinking a lot and I've been feeling insecure about our relationship. You always seem so distant, like you always go out and I've never heard one goodbye from you. I know it shouldn't bother me, but it just does. I don't want to be alone again. You're the best thing that happened to me and I don't want to lose you."

• She looked like she was about to cry and I frowned slightly.

"I promise I won't leave you, Y/n. I'm sorry that those things crossed your mind and you have every right to have those feelings. But I can assure that I won't ever leave you." I said putting my hand over her's "You don't need to worry, I promise."

- 3 months later -
Y/n Pov

"W-what where is this coming from?" I questioned Jeonghan who looked fed up

"You know where this is coming from! I can't do this anymore, I'm so sick of reassuring and explaining myself to you!" Jeonghan snapped at me as tears started brimming my eyes

This wasn't the Jeonghan that I knew..
but sadly it was.

"B-but you promised me-" I managed to say while I attempted to stop my tears from falling

"I know I promised you but I can't lie to you or myself anymore. Don't you think I'm hurting too? I can't handle the extra baggage that comes with this relationship! It's already so hard to deal with, but I just c-can't."

"O-oh I'm sorry you felt this way."

I didn't know what else to say..
What was I supposed to say?
I had done this to myself with my constant overthinking and insecurities.

"I'm sorry. I'll take all my things out within a week." Jeonghan sighed and I just nodded as he walked to the door

"I guess promises are just meant to be broken.." Jeonghan said softly as I watched him walk out of the door

• As he shut the door, I managed to finally process what was happening.

Why did this happen?
Why did he break his promise?
Why did he have to leave my heart shattered?
Because now I'm alone..
Something that I didn't want.
Something that I was before.

Broken Promises - Jeonghan imagineWhere stories live. Discover now