𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑡 1: 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑉𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑡.

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Part 1: First Visit.

After everyone got transferred into their Ultimate form they all dispersed except for Kirumi and Tsumugi who stayed in the gym. Tsumugi was admiring her outfit. Kirumi was deciding weather or not to talk to Tsumugi and get to know her.

It could be good. Maybe we could get along well. Hmm, I'll give it a chance and talk to her.
Kirumi thought to herself and she then walked off towards Tsumugi who was across the gym from her.

On her way there she was thinking of nice conversations to have with her if they got along well. Kirumi smiled at the thought of making friends with Tsumugi. She eventually arrived at Tsumugi.

Kirumi said to her.

Tsumugi looked up at her and then smiled,
"Hello! I'm Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer."
She introduced herself to Kirumi and waited for Kirumi to introduce herself.

"Ah, very nice talent, Tsumugi. I am Kirumi Tojo. The Ultimate Maid. Very nice to meet you."
She said before taking one of Tsumugi's hands and and put her hands below and above Tsumugi's hand.

"O-Oh! That's an amazing talent, Kirumi! How comes you decided to come talk to me?"
Tsumugi asked Kirumi putting her other hand above Kirumi's.

"I thought that maybe we could talk and spend time together?"
She suggested looking Tsumugi in the eyes.

"That sounds great! We could hang out in either your or my Ultimate lab? Those seem like reasonable places to spend time with one another."
Tsumugi said to Kirumi with a smile.

"Yes how about my lab? It could have places to sit and drinks possibly tea or water."
Kirumi asked Tsumugi letting go of her hand and placing them one on top of another on her skirt.

"That seems nice! I'm excited to see it!"
She said excitedly. Hoping that they would be good friends.

A tune played and a black and white bear appeared.

"Hey hey hey. Why are you two still here?! You should be doing your own thing! I told everyone to leave!!"
Monokuma complained.

"Oh s-sorry. We were just about to go to Kirumi's Ultimate lab."
Tsumugi explained to the bear.

"Hmm Alrighty just don't do anything weird."
Monokuma said then disappeared.

"Hm. That was rather odd. We should get going."
Kirumi said to Tsumugi.

"Y-Yeah before that bear comes back. Also so we aren't hanging out outside our dorms during night time."
Tsumugi said as she held Kirumi's hand and then headed out the gym door.

Kirumi went along with Tsumugi being careful not to trip while Tsumugi took her along. Eventually they arrived in front of Kirumi's Ultimate lab.

"This seems to be it. It looks like my lab."
Kirumi said as her and Tsumugi stepped inside.

"Yeah it looks great! Look at the giant table!"
Tsumugi then let go of Kirumi's hand and ran into the lab. She then sat on a chair and gestured Kirumi over to her.

Kirumi walked over and sat next to Tsumugi.
She attempted to start a conversation.

"Yeah, Kirumi?"
Tsumugi replied as she grabbed a nearby cup of water and took a sip.

"I know this may be a bit sudden but-"
She cut herself off and hugged Tsumugi softly.

"K-Kirumi..! I-I-"
After a wave of shock and blush had taken over Tsumugi and she then hugged Kirumi back.

Kirumi soon let go and got up to go to one of the other rooms to talk to herself.

What was that about? She just ... just hugged me out of nowhere! Wow...I'm actually... happy about that! I feel great! Until...she finds out. If she does she might not want to be friends anymore- I have to hide this from her for as long as I can.
The blue haired female thought to herself as she took another sip of water.

Oh my...I can't believe I did that. I hope it got the point across that I want to be friends. If not then I may have to ask her in words. I'll have to go back out there. Wait, what if she thinks I want to be..well more than friends. If we aren't even friends then that could be not good. Oh no...
The maid thought to herself as she was sat on the ground.

Tsumugi took off her jacket and wrapped it around the back of the chair as she waited for Kirumi. She was secretly worried about Kirumi and hoping she was okay.

She yelled hoping Kirumi heard her and would come back.

Oh no. I'll have to go and see if somethings wrong! What if she's hurt? What if she doesn't want to be friends? No time to think about that I have to go!

The blonde female darted out the room and to Tsumugi.

"Tsumugi are you okay?"
She asked Tsumugi worriedly.

"Yeah. I was just worried about you. You were gone for a bit longer than I thought you would be."
Tsumugi told Kirumi as she looked her in the eyes.

"Oh no I'm fine I was just thinking of a way to ask you if you wanted to be friends."
Kirumi said to Tsumugi without thinking it through first.

"Oh Kirumi...."
Tsumugi started.

Part 1: First Visit.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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