Chapter 7

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Alexander's pov

I woke up with water splashing on me.  I swear I am gonna kill whoever did that. I opened my eyes to see Luca running out of my room. I went downstairs to find everyone other than that idiot ready to eat breakfast."Where is that fucker Luca? He fucking poured water on me." I exclaimed.

After a while Lijah told me to get changed and come down for breakfast. The food was pretty good.

Since I was the only one free I had to take Sophia shopping. Looking at how she seemed to be scared of me I thought it would be a good time for us to get close. It's true I blamed her for everything but I still couldn't get myself to hate her.

We reached the mall and went to many stores.  Sure they were expensive but money was never a problem in our family. We bought at lot of clothes despite her claiming to not needing them.

Currently we were in Gucci. I got a call from one of my friends so I excused myself to take it.  When I returned I saw Brianna, on of the school sluts calling my baby girl a slut and a whore. " What's happening here? " I said shooting daggers at Brianna." Oh nothing Mr. Valentino I was just showing this whore her place. Don't worry you won't see her again. " " The only person I don't wanna see is you and she is my sister. " I said.  Now boy was I angry. She has no right to speak to Sophia like that.  I pulled her to my chest and took her to the food court.

" Don't ever let anyone talk to you like that." I told her. She didn't reply to that and just excused herself to go to the washroom.

I ordered our food and waited for her. It had been a while and she was still not here.  I went to the washroom to look for her only to see a man forcefully pushing her in the washroom.

I ran towards them and opened the door only to see red.  The bastard had pinned my baby sister and was trying to kiss her. I pulled him off her and beat the shit out of him.

I got of him and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and cried.

I picked her up and took her to my car. I placed her in the backseat and told one of my bodyguards to drive. She felt asleep in my embrace. And for the first in years was I happy to have back.  But that bastard was gonna pay for touching our neonata.(baby girl)

We reached home and I placed her in the living room and called the others.

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