Chapter 1

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" Yokai-sama. "

Her name rang throughout the clans almost empty compound, her friend rushing to catch up with the young clan heiress.

" Mai-San."

Yokai grinned, patting her older friends silky black hair, ruining the neatness of it.

" You're getting slower."

She hummed in amusement, leaping off the tree branch and landing softly on her barefeet.  The women named Mai sighed and also lept down, landing next to the younger girl.

" Your grandfather is looking for you."

Mai huffed, bowing her head at the young girl. With a rustle of the leaves Yokai had rushed in the direction of her home.

"May kami be with you, my friend."

She smiled as her body melted to the ground, a sort of teleportation jutsu.

Yokai weaved through the tall trees, swiftly jumping from branch to branch, a small grin on her lips as she did, curious to see what had came of her aging grandfather. Due to his illness it was rare for anyone to see him, even his grandaughter. Within minutes she landed at the base of his home, the tall red and black walls that had once intimidated her as a child, now a welcomed and familiar sight.

" Grandfather."

The heiress smiled upon seeing the elderly man sitting on a pillow made of the finest silks and feathers. The Man, Yoshimura turned to face her, his face stoic and eyes closed, hiding the signiture red of the clan. He started speaking, his tone harsh and to the point.

" Yokai, you're a grown women, I've decided to begin your training as heir. There are three lessons you need to learn before you kill me and take my position."

She listened intently, sitting on her heels and bowing her head as to not look him in the eye, it was a sign of respect.

" Yes grandfather. "

The old man stared past her at the raven which had been circling the entrence of the house for an hour approximately.

" First, you'll journey to the village hidden in the leaves, secondly you'll raise the nine tails' jailer and prove yourself an ally in doing so, so that the Kurama clan can once again be apart of Kohana. That will be your first trial."

She rose her head to protest but was quickly silenced by the crow which let out a deafening shriek, flapping its wings wildly and landing on Yoshimura's left shoulder.

" Secondly, you will learn new techniques and perfect your genjutsu, become the once in a generation. Lastly, you must kill me."

A million thoughts raced through her head, her trials, make the kurama clan one with a hidden village, gain the power of the her great grandfather and then, kill her grandfather, the only parental figure that has ever been in her life. She clenched her hands till they turned into fists, her sharp nails digging into her delicate flesh. She truly did not want to kill her grandfather, or even leave her home but, it was her duty.

"Yes grandfather, understood."

She bowed low to him, waiting for his final words and dismissal. Yoshimura took the scroll which lay in the crows mouth and set it on the table.

" Take this and journey north, take your ninkin and leave at once, return when you are ready to be leader of the clan. "

Yokai took the scroll gently and stood, bowing low she retreated out the house, stopping at the last step of the porch.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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