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Second day of hell day actually, I really hate camping. On the top of that was Brion, who keeps cursing at my face according to my total density.

But after all, his profanities and insults about why did I get a dwarfism height made me laugh back. Sure I'm exposing myself to a jerk who everybody knows for being a man slut.

"Silas!" Sometimes it made me wonder why he had the most beautiful cold yet manly voice I've ever heard. "Pick me up some stones." I grimaced.

"Are you making fun of me again?" I grumbled.

"Ew, go to hell. Remember that we're still paired up for partnership and there's a new tasks arrived few minutes ago," He hissed. I don't know why does it looks gross if I tell him he's messing with me.

"I'm staying at my camp, sorry not sorry," I utter with a smug grin, giving him a reason to be provoked which I receive in equivalent of his mad growl. "I really am sorry, Brion. If you like replacing me... Then it's on your hand. I just can't go for a walk today... My brain's pumping heat," I said that while smiling fakely.


My body flinch hearing him crushed the foil container of his empty mountain dew, as I saw his glare dance with fire. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" He roared loudly, making my stomach twist with fear's emancipation. God, I should not be afraid with this man. It will give him the upper hand.

"I'm staying..."

"You what?! You're the one who asked for this!" He hollered with deep madness wandering all over the spaces of his face.

"Yea... I'm sorry." I smile acting as if I am amused. But deep inside, seeing him scowling at me with irritation on his eyes made me feel nervous.

"You sick, shit! Fine!" Why's he so damn mad anyway? Just like that he'll burn me on hell? But he's hot. No homo.

He disappear just then with foot stomping lightly that echoes on the crunchy leaves underneath the shoes he's wearing. People think that he's a short tempered sociopath. He's not very much a sociopath... In fact... He's a dead popular. Because right at his sight, he just looks like an antisocial sexy guy. Why the hell am I complementing him all the time?

After the camping, I never saw him on the hallways with his extraordinary friends, jock ones, and you know? Even those miserable nerds I hated very much — I feel bad these bullies make fun of them. Ironic right? But despite he possessed those inevitable alluring beauty, he still had some stains of filth. Just like the drug rumors... Being involved into a car robbery case, and etcetera.

"Can someone raise their hands for those who had already started their projects?" Professor mundane himself ordered. But after seeing what's the result, my jaw fell as I saw all of them right hand's on air... Except mine. "Oh, Mr. Camden... Your partner's Handsken right? Let's shake things up first... After this... Both of you will proceed at my office, just clean my things and mop my floor. That's all," He stated plainly.

Though after I tilt my head to take a quick glance towards Brion, I froze shortly. He was like burning mad... And his brows were like knitted together. But still hot. Ha ha, no homo. "See that face? Hmmm, watch it..." Garrett chortled deviously.

"Shut up." I glared, settling back on my posture with desperation.

"Anyways, should we continue to our topic?"


"You didn't helped me," I countered while trying to lower my voice with my fingers clutch around a feather-duster's handle.

"It's still your own fault! You could've just raise your hands just like what I did!" Damn, even if I hate it... He's one-hundred-percent right.

"I was mentally blocked! Sorry!"

"With that, you'd just admitted the fact that you're a fucking lamentable imbecile!" Wow. I'm blown away.

"Man... Stop calling me names please." Was the only thing I said with a monotone feeling I'm putting onto myself.

But then again, he didn't spare me some reassuring comments. Which was impossible because he's here in my life to vanish my fun's essence. Although he pour a loud scoff. "Sure, fuck. Idiot."

"This might sound cliché and crazy... But stop it, I've never been that embarrass towards a person ever... Just... I don't know..." I sigh alongside the low huffs and grumble I did.

"You're so childish... You know that? Even your girlfriend broke up with you because of the same reason I'm seeing."

"Correction, I'm the one who broke up with her. She's such a slut... Fooling me all the time over that BBC man." I continued dusting the furniture while I responding to every and each word Brion throw at me.

"Flocks of a feather, you're just like your little brother. Being replaced because you guys aren't suited... So if she cheated on you with a big black cock? Meaningfully, she wasn't satisfied to your small-white-dick? All opposite." He chuckled offensively.

"Not funny, ha ha." I wrinkle my nose then smile plastically. "By the way, we have to do our project at math. I don't really care if you don't wanna do it with me, but I hope I could still see at least a piece of faith in you."

He sigh at first. "Fine, if you're that desperate... Then let's finish it instead. But don't you ever mention to everyone that we hang out together? Understand?" God he's so uptight himself.

"Uh? That's impossible? All of our classmates already knew about us being partners in the math project? ~ Obviously they would expect this." Said me, rolling my eyes as I chuckle lightly.

Yet after that, he never spoke so soon, just remained silently mute mopping the floor. "I'm done, you done th-" mortified, I halt as quick after seeing him all naked. "What are you doing?" I phrased nervously.

"What do you think I'm doing?" ...Right, he take off his T-shirt to prevent it from getting stained by some bloody dirt.

"How 'bout you? You wore a white shirt too?" What is he trying to point out?

"Uhm, do you want us to look like we're doing something?" Bad... I shouldn't have said that.

"Maybe, I am."



"Can you please stop leaning on me?" I suddenly hear him while trying my best to not even 'lean' on him. We commuted nonetheless we have a lot of easier ways, you know? Dumb suggestion of mine.

Now he's accusing me that I want this. He said I'll take the advantage of these lack of space so I can have touches everywhere his body. C'mon!

When we both arrived at the front of my house, he suddenly spoke. "If you want me to work with you, then you have to deal with me. I always wanted to experience new things." His cold facade was still there.

"What are you? A scientist?" I managed to release a laugh at that. But he grabbed my collars and slam me to the door of my house. I was astounded and ashamed because there were neighbors who started watching us. "Okay-okay, you win. Tell me what do you want?" I winced.

"Once we finished this project, you're gonna be one of my deployers."




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