ONe shot Part 1:

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I just noticed that every other time I hit a wall when I'm writing,I tend to make a One-Shot.
Just hope whoever read this story enjoys it.

I am siting in the floor gazing out.
It is raining heavily,the weather broadcast  person predicted,that there would be heavy showers.

The weather broadcast person used their quirk.
Is his quirk useful?
Is it useless?
What is a useless quirk?

I grab my phone from my desk.
I looked at the class group chat,scrolling through the thousands of unread messages.
Why was I added to the group?
I'm the out cast off the class,why am I outcast  you ask?
Is it because I have a useless quirk,because I'm Quirkless or because I use to bully someone?
No,it's because I'm the older sister of a "Monster".
His name is Harry,my younger brother.

I pity him,I love him and I go to the temple to pray for him.
I see him so weak after each surgery and going to Quirk therapy almost everyday to help him control his quirk.

The doctors think he has this rare gene from either of our parents who are  carrying this gene.
Apparently,this gene caused him to have no control or very little control over his quirk.
I carry the Gene also.

Does that mean someone in our family Long time ago had this quirk too?
How did the family deal with this problem?
Was the person with this problem handled with love and cars from his/her parents?
Was he/her secretly loved by his/her  eldest sister too?

I scroll through the class chat.there is just way to many spamming in here and way too many gossiping down.Gossiping that I could easily take a screenshot off and show to the teacher.

I can see my name thrown mercilessly In  the chat.
Why don't I leave than?
But I can,I just need to see,what people think of me,not like they already express most of their opinions to my face anyway.

Down the corridor,I can hear my parents talking about their schedule,their schedule mostly revolves around Harry.

"When should we pick Harry up?" Asked my mum.

"I have a survey," replied my dad.

"Well cancel it,can't the client have the survey another day," hissed my mum.

Why are they talking softly.
It isn't like Harry is going to wake up any time soon.
He tried like me,but he's emotionally and physically tried.
I may not know the shit he goes through first hand but I do see the looks that people give him.
The whispering under the breath,the pretend-I-didn't-see-whatever-that- was look.

I'm pretty darn sure, Harry can too.
He isn't dumb,he's a bright kid.
I just think he just pretends he doesn't notice it.

My parents,I know they love me in their own way,they just don't show it often.
Mum could be watching a movie with me than the next thing she'll get a call from Harry's daycare or therapy class teacher.
And she would be off,leaving me to finish the Popcorn that she didn't touch at all.

I take the bus home(I'm not complaining about that).
I don't live a sheltered life either.
I love normally just like any  other kid from a middle class  in my class.
I come from a normal family..
Except this family dynamics are different.

You know before Harry was born I wanted a cat.
My parents put up a sign in the living room that read
"Do the Math,we cant afford the cat".

Jezz,way to break it to your Child.
Than from wanting a cat I wanted a baby sister.
I was observant,it was obvious ahem* my parents may had been getting busy and they didn't it hide it anyways.

Harry was very norms baby.He got his injection,he was looked after by the kind Nurses at the hospital.He was Normal too before he developed his quirk.
When I was doing my homework at home,my parents were out and I was left in charge to look after my bro.
He had already developed his quirk.He was 5 at the time, when the fateful accident occurred.

I was busy in my room and I suddenly heard wailing and I rushed to the living room.
My brother was blessing,there bones sporting out of every inch of his skin.
It was horrible,there was a mess all over the floor.
There was blood oozing out of my brother,his face was all scrunched up,but instead of normal teas falling down his chubby cheeks,there was blood..

I called my parents to tell them than I called the Ambulance.
Than everything went downhill.

I fall onto my bed and drop my phone onto the carpet and pot my arms on my face.I should sleeping,I have a quiz tomorrow but it isn't like my parents would care anyway.

Harry is the Center of everything and we are around him.
Helping him..he was like a black hole sucking everything..not even time can escape Harry.

I get under the covers and face the wall.
On my wall,there was posted covering every inch of the wall.
In the middle of the wall,there was an All-might poster.
You know All-might,the No.1 hero.
I heard he recently made the news for stopping this robbery near my house.
He always makes the news with that big smile of his.
Is it possible for me to be a hero?

I eventually fall asleep,preparing myself mentally for  the test tomorrow.

I Guess you can't call this a one shot but I'm splitting the one shot onto different parts.
Just hope everyone stays safe during these dark and unpredictable times:)

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