How he makes me feel

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How do you know you're in love?

When you think of that special person and just start smiling

How do you know the love you feel is true?

Thinking about that special someone almost every minute of everyday, just imagining their smile, the way they walk or talk, or even how they look at you

How do you this love is serious?

If he screams it out to the heavens and brags about you to his friends and isn't ashamed of being with you for whatever the reason

Never thought I would feel a love like this

Just thinking about him, seeing him, just makes me smile like crazy

I may sound like a hopeless romantic but what I say is true

If he gets on your nerves sometimes but then he makes it up to you by saying something so sweet that you can't help to forgive him? 

Then believe or not but you are in love

If your heart spends up everytime you see him smile, then you're in love

Some may not realize it now but they will soon because one day that person who annoys the hell out of you in school could turn out to be the cute, sweet guy you have fallen hard for

Love isn't intentional but when you feel this feeling, never let it go, hold on to it tight

Because love is truly an amazing thing

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