Bonus Chapter. First Encounter Part 1

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Hello peoples!

This next chapter is something I had loads of fun writing.

Drum roll!!

Its in Reason's point of view first meeting Mel and the gang.







   The moment we enter the room we get surrounded by overly enthusiastic people. The exact kind of people that piss me off.

   Charlotte elbows me, "It's a new start Reason."

   "Like it fucking matters." I grumble.

   Worry and pain flicker in her moss green eyes before, as I like to say, her "whore mask" comes on.

   I didn't do all the shit I did for her to become a shank. I did it so she and the others could have one fucking decent chance at life. A chance that wouldn't be there otherwise.

   In all honestly, I don't give a single fuck about anyone, but the pussy side of me has always had a soft spot for the others.

   The people are all eager to meet us. Why? Because we're apart of this retarded hybrid shit, that's why. If it weren't for that reason, I'm sure these god damn preps wouldn't spare us a glance. I mean, they seem like the J.V jock, straight A, perfect students. I'm sure they were expected to do great things.

   They trade names good mannerly and I shift my weight from one foot to the other. Bored out of my fucking mind and deeply considering to leave.

   Fly back to New York and pick up where I left off. My life wasn't the best but I was able to get by in this damned unforgiving world.

   One of the many doors in this annoyingly classy hotel room opens. The small boy-Jason?- an overachieving bodybuilder, and a firetruck red haired girl step out. More fucking preps.

   "Mel, Kyle met the dragons." The girl with dark brown hair and blonde highlights said. Amber?

   The caty, thin, tall blonde went to firetruck hair and they immediately started whispering and giggling like any other annoying pair of school girls. Yeah, back in school they'd be those active kids everyone wanted to be friends with. Or want to fuck. Either way, they had been well-liked. I need to stop measuring these people. They're fucking retarded kids, not a dangerous gang member. They hold no threat.

   "Melody, Ester, you're being rude. Say hi to the other group." Violet ordered.

   "What's the point, we're stuck with them forever anyways." Anorexic blonde said while firetruck giggled. Girls who giggle too much bug the shit out of me.

   "The point is that exactly. We'll be together for a long time, we should at least be on a friendly basis." Charlotte said.

   Firetruck made her way to us. Judging from the few things I've seen, I take it that she's the leader. I don't do meet and greets well(at all). I stare at her small shoe covered feet.

   "Love your hair." In my perpetual vision, I saw Charlotte pull a strand of firetrucks hair. "It's so red, almost like fire." She laughs softly. "Real soft. And your eyes! Ohmigod, are those contacts?"

   "No, I hate crap getting in my eyes."

   I bite the inside of my cheek to stop the smile trying to come. Firetruck has jokes.

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