[] Jake's Jealousy []

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The Music Freaks oneshot 1- (a little Sean x Jake moment but it mostly focus on Jake) also Angst cuz we all love angst 

I also suggest that you read this on your PC or your laptop!


:Noone POV:

It was afternoon on school days, most of the music club member already left except Sean, who's cleaning the club room but Jake insisted to stay behind and maybe help Sean a bit"Hey Sean." Jake ask but his voice is quiet than normal "Yeah? What is it, Jake?" Sean replied back as he still started to clean his laptop keyboard."What gets you into cleaning? Especially, alone?"

Jake asked, this cause Sean to stop cleaning for a second before he reply "Well kinda a funny story to be honest, my parents always told me to clean my bedroom even though its already clean, well... that's what i thought as a kid. But I kinda found myself enjoys cleaning and sometimes it get things out of my head. Why did you ask?"when he didn't heard any reply from Jake, he turned around only to find nothing. but its not really his business anyway.

-The next day-

:Jake's POV:

Sean didn't come to school because he was sick so we mostly practice our parts for today, just because there's no DJ doesn't mean we would just cancel the practice.

But now


I'm alone...

Everyone else already went home, I tried to fulfill Sean's job by cleaning the room.

I just-  cant get that out of my head, after hearing Sean said that 'and sometimes it get things out of my head'


         I want to try that.
Since my childhood, I enjoy singing and musics but my classmate doesn't very supported that... One time I asked my homeroom teacher to do something but all she did was asked my bullies to apologize to me, and...

That's it.

Just a simple apologies wouldn't work, but things just get harder... My family do supported me though


or so I thought...

They said that they supported me, and cared for me. But they just said that to made me feel more confident...How do I know this? Well, I once heard their conversation about my passion for music, they actually didn't found music successful in their eyes but they said that just to make me happy but that

'once he grow up he would realize how his passion for 'music' would make him not success in his life'

I never knew how much I've cried that day...


I never had any friends, for my whole life people saw me as a weirdo or thought that i was crazy, I never really understood why they saw me that way

so... I tried to change myself, to fit in.

At first it wasn't easy, i'm not the actor, or great at acting.

But before my high school starts I change myself. Not a little but... completely I didn't realize myself. This is not me, at all

When i had Drew, Henry and Liam as my friend. I thought i could open up to them, but... They have a bad view towards music as well.

The Music Freaks [] Oneshots [] For my own comfortWhere stories live. Discover now