───── ❝ chapter one : pinky promise ❞

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You sat in the back, looking out the window and admiring the trees. It recently rained so everything looks so wet, but it was pleasing. Everyone in your class was talking to one another in small groups. You take out your notebook from under your desk and, started drawing small doodles to past time. "Hey hey, have you heard about The Seven Mystery's?" A girl said, leaning up against a desk. "N0 I haven't, have you?" Another said, turning her head at one of her other friends. She shook their head, "Nope! Tell us more Senpai!" She begged them, giggling. "I'm surprised you guys don't know, but~ Since your asking so nicely... I'll tell you!" They cleared their throat, "Ill start with the most popular one for today!~ Number Seven, Hanako-San of the Toilet. Following these steps, you will be able to grant any wish but with a price depending on the wish!" The girls ooo'd. You overhear it, perking up to look at the group. "You go up to the third floor, the girls bathroom. Then..~ Head to the third stall and knock on it three times, then repeat her name which is Hanako!" They squeal of excitement. You listening in you note the steps and nod.

Class ended a few hours later, you pack all your stuff in your backpack and run down to the first floor. Opening your locker, you put your bag inside. Then you would run up the stairs, to the third floor and head to the girls bathroom. You attempt to catch your breath, breathing in and out. You nodded, trying to hype yourself up and walk in. The girls bathroom was like every other bathroom, but with a ghost inside. You slowly walked over to the door, creaking noises from the floor following them. Staring at the door, you took one last deep breath and knocked on the door, "Hanako, Hanako, Hanako." Then, the door slowly opened and you look in to see nobody. You sighed softly, shaking your head at how dumb you were to actually believe those stories. But then, you feel a slightly type on your shoulder.

"Heyoo!~" A boy's voice said. It suddenly came out of no where which made you scared. You stumble a bit towards the door and then look behind you to see a boy. He was floating in the air, maybe two feet away.. He was wearing the old uniform with a captains cap on top. His hair shined softly in the sun, he looked normal.. "Wait.. Didn't the girls say "She?" You thought to yourself. "Ah.! Maybe she was crossdressing! It is popular these days.." You said again, nodding. "Before you get the wrong idea, I am indeed a boy! I just follow the trends!" The boy snickered. You nodded, "I-I see.." He lowered down to your level, still a few inches off the floor. He admired you for a few seconds then backed away, smirking. "Anyways!~ I'm guessing you called me to make a wish isn't that right!" You perk up, nodding quickly, "Y-Yeah..! I did!" He giggled to your excitement as he took our his notepad and pen. "Tell me your wish and I'll grant it! Of course.." He lifts your chin with his pen, swaying his head to the side. "I'll take something from you.."

You let out a fant blush, nodding. He pulled back his pen, smiling brightly at you. At this point he produced sparkles, kinda weird but isn't this whole supernatural thing weird? "Now what's your wish! Oh oh! Let me guess!~ You want me to make someone fall in love with you, tons and tons of money! Or-" He ranted all kinds of ideas, looking all around the room thoughtfully. You interpret him, "I want you to be my friend." He looked, his face softens and he calms down, "Your wish is.. For me to be your friend..?" He repeats your wish. You nod, looking down at the floor. "You do realize I'm a ghost, which means if you do develop feelings for me it would be for some dead.. Right?" You nod again, "Then... I just won't fall for you." He let out a small chuckle, putting his notepad and pen away. He rubs your head. "Wish granted.. And don't worry about me taking something away from you. Having someone to spend time with is a gift for me!~" He floated up to a wall, "Ah!! It's so boring around here you know! But!— You have to come here after school everyday unless if you have a excuse.." He said the last part in a serious tone.

You nodded desperately, "Yes!" You answered. "Then make this promise with me," He put out his pinky out to you "Promise you won't go and back stab me or do anything rash." You looked down at your pinky, then bringing it up to his and put them together. "Liar swallows a thousand needles." You added on, "And we lock it with a kiss!~" He puts yours thumbs together as you blush lightly. Then you realize you could touch the boy. "Wait- I can touch you.. Does that mean I'm dead..?" You look up at his, asking. "Nope!~ It's cause of your wish this happened! If you couldn't touch me I wouldn't be able to do things like this and hugs!" He smiled softly at you, pulling his hand away and behind his back. "Then now it's complete! But why be friends with a ghost?" He asked curious. "I don't have any friends.." You said, looking down at the floor. "Hmm..? Hmm.~" He tilted his head all the way to look at you, "That's weird, you seem like a really good friend!" He blurted out. "Ah..!- I just don't have the confident to say or ask.."

You played your hands. Cold hands take your hands together with his and you had the feeling to look up. You see him smiling softly at you, your faces a few inches away from each other, "Then.. I'll help you..! It's what friend are for right?" Your eyes widen then went soft. "C-Correct..!" You said with a weak smile. You hear a small growl as he looked down at his stomach and letting out a small blush. letting go of you and then holding his stomach. "Are you.. Hungry?" You asked. "Maybe!" He says quickly as you let out a small giggle, remembering you had something. "Ah!- I'll be right back!" You jumped up, "Wait-!" Before he could say it was okay you were already off, running down the stairs and back to your locker.

You opened your locker quickly, grabbing your bag and then shutting it closed. You run back up, not wanting to waste another second. People that were around looked at you, confused. Running in, you drop the bag and it slid across the floor to the ghost. He was sitting down against his stall, still holding his stomach. You took a few deep breathes as he opens your bag, looking inside as his eyes sparkled, digging his hands into one of the pockets and taking out some plain snack donuts. "Donuts!" He yapped. You giggled lightly, walking over to his and then sitting down beside him. "That's right. I hope you like donuts..! If you don't I can-" He interrupts you, opening the bag as it made the crinkle noise and popped on inside his mouth. "So good!" He mumbles with his mouth full, "Hey don't eat with your mouth full- I-I mean don't talk with your mouth full!" You corrected yourself. He chewed on the donut, swallowing it and then looked down at you, "I won't!" He giggled with a bit of crumbs on the side of his left lip. Looking at it, you leaned over and curled your pointer finger and wiped it off.

"You had crumbs" You said, not realize how close you were as he smiled, nodding again. "Thanks!" He said. You watched him eat, smiling at him as he got to his last one. Before he put the last one in his mouth he stops. Then hands it to you, "You bought it, so you should have one! I don't share donuts often so you should take up on his offer!" You smiled lightly, looking down at the donuts and then back up at him. You smiled, taking the donut from him and taking a bit out of it. He watched you eat the donuts, giving you a small smile as he rested his chin on his palm, leaning on it. You finished it, looking back at him. Even though you knew he was a ghost, you couldn't help but think he was really dead, non-less dead at such a young age. You couldn't help but feel pity for him.. He seemed like such a bright boy, Number 7 of the schools Seven Mysteries.. Hanako-San of The Toilet.

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