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The time was 12:23 a.m, and Kye was wishing he was anywhere else in the world right now. He was sure no one would want to be in his current position unless there's a person out there who enjoys being stabbed in a random alleyway in a city they've never been too before. Everything Kye had brought with him from his old home was stolen, including his phone. So no way to call 911. Great. The stab wounds (that was probably getting infected by now) on his leg and his side would have to wait because unlike the rest of gen z he wanted to live today. The moment he tries to stand up he almost passes out and falls to the ground with a loud "FUCK!"

'I shouldve just ignored his offer' he thinks to himself. The only reason Kye left his old home was because he was having some issues and needed to move out. So his brother and sister, Rhys and Ryn, offered their place for him to stay. Kye accepted of course because he hadn't seen his siblings in 2 years. They bought his plane ticket and told him someone would be there to get him at the airport. That was a half lie. There was no one there at the airport. So, he decided he could find his own way to the house. Kye got on a random bus and went on his way. That's what landed him here: sitting in a alleyway about to pass out from blood loss, and very pissed at his sister for saying there would be someone there. While he sat thinking about how much he didnt want to be here, he kept on bleeding and it wasnt long until he passed out in the cold, dirty alleyway with no one to help him.


  When Kye woke up he wasnt expecting to be in a hospital bed, surrounded by people who were yelling at eachother.

"Vince I told you to make sure he got to the building safely!"

"Look Rhys I tried my best oka-"


  Kye looked to his right to see Rhys screaming at a unknown person in front of him. To his left was Ryn, not paying attention to them, and drawing something in a notebook. She was the first to notice Kye was awake.

"Oh, hey." She said, relatively unbothered by the screaming boys next to her.

"Hey yourself. What happened?" Kye asked looking back to Rhys who still hadn't noticed that he had awoke.

"Vince found you passed out with a shit ton of blood around you. Thought you were dead for a bit too." She replied. Ryn had gone back to drawing something looking rather bored.

"Vince?" Kye said, confused.

He finally looked to the stranger in the room

'Oh' That was Vince. He was still arguing with Rhys but in a normal tone now. The no-longer-stranger looked towards Kye and smiled, looking slightly relieved. This made Rhys turn around to face Kye and scream in delight, probably relieved his little brother didnt die the first day in a new city.


"OH my god Rhys please calm down I'm okay." Kye said quickly cutting him off before he went on for 2 minutes.

  Rhys gave a gentle smile and hugged Kye.

"Sorry for what happened. I should've went to pick you up I just got super mixed up in work stuff and couldn't go-" he let go and gave Kye a new phone (seeing as his was stolen) "- welcome to disasteerr city and yes the name is concerning I'm aware. Once you're healed up we'll get you to me and Ryns house. I have a position open for you at my job so just let me know what you're ready for that all!" He finished off with another smile before signaling to Vince that they were going to have another talk.

"Ah- thanks I guess.." Kye mumbled more to himself than to Rhys, who was already out of the room.

"If you're concerned about those two I dont think you should worry. Theyve been friends for a long time and the most Rhys would do is make Vince do something for you. Anyways, you should probably get more sleep. Its pretty late and I want to go home." Ryn said quietly. Kye nodded towards her as she left the room and went back to sleep.


So this book is really more of a test than anything for a story me and a friend have??? Its still very much in the works but I thought I could make this to get it starting a bit :)) Also this was written at 2am please excuse any weird spelling/grammar

Heres what Kye, Ryn, and Rhys look like!! I dont have a reference for Vince that's my friends character (and he needs to make the refs soon now I stg)



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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