Chapter 7: In Too Deep

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(Yellow Rose W/ Red Tips: Falling in love)

Emilia's POV
It's been strange, lately. Willy coming back and now, I have this stalker to worry about. I can't believe I didn't do anything sooner about Stuart, and now he followed me home. How far will he go? Should I tell Willy?
I was counting out my drawer for the day, my nerves on end, afraid that I'll see Stuart lurking outside. After Trisha had banned him from being on the premises, I was had only seen him a handful of times. One time, he tried stopping me at the grocery store. That is, until he saw Willy. He'd never get close enough for Willy to see him, so I'm certain that he still has no idea.
Aside from Stuart, I'm starting to feel confused about things. Mainly about Willy. I'll be honest, when we started talking again, I didn't expect much. I actually thought he'd still be the same, try to get me back into Candy making, try to woo me, again. But, nothing.
Instead, I've been seeing the exact opposite. He's been so kind to me, never mentioning anything that had to do with candy or the factory...or about our previous engagement. Willy seems to care about me, talking about my interests and looking out for my wellbeing. Even opening up to me about his past. That's more than he had ever done when we were a couple. I've actually grown fond of it, he's so different now.

"Emilia," I'm pulled from my thoughts at the sound of Trisha's voice. When I turned to look at her, I see her smirking playfully at me.
"What?" I inquired.
Trisha gave me a nudge, "Thinking about Willy, again?" she grinned. I brushed her off, but apparently, my cheeks had grown red, feeling the heat travel there rapidly, "Come on, Emilia, don't deny it. Aside from the haircut, he's seems really cute. Why not date him?"
"I'd rather not," I was quick to say. Despite how different he seems now, I'm not sure if I can trust it's permanent. I don't feel the same way I had when we were together, and with our friendship now, I've started to heal again.
Besides, there's no way that I can fall in love with the same man, again. Right?
Trisha gave a huff in frustration, "Come on, Emilia, you aren't getting younger. Plus, Willy seems to absolutely adore you. What if he likes you and you're just stringing him along?" I know she didn't mean for it to come off as offensive.
I just sigh, "Trisha, he doesn't like me in that way. He's just overly friendly, is all. Some may see that as flirtatious, but I know better than that. Especially, with him," I do my best to convince myself of this. I mean, that's how he was, back then. Why would it be any different, now? I'll be damned if I let my naivete get the better of me, again.
Trisha must've noticed something as she placed a fist on her hip in an accusatory fashion, "You're hiding something."
Before I could retort, the bell over the door chimed. When I saw who walked in, I instinctively smiled. Willy, bundled up in a dark trench coat for the fall weather, came walking in.
"Hello, Willy," I smiled at him. However, he didn't smile the way he usually would when greeting me. He seemed unsettled, again, not completely focused on what's going on around him, "Willy?"
He seemed to snap out of it, but he still didn't smile, "Are you ready?"
I was now puzzled, but I managed a, "Um, let me just get my coat," he nodded and I shut the register before rushing out from behind the counter, to the break room.

Regular POV
Wonka watched as Emilia scurried away to retrieve her coat. As soon as she disappeared, Trisha briskly turned to him, "So, you seem out of sorts. What's going on?"
Wonka almost jumped at her voice, now seeming to notice that Trisha was there, as well, "Oh, nothing."
Trisha raised a brow at him, but figured if Emilia wasn't going to spill anything, he wouldn't, either.
Just then, Emilia came running back, now wearing her ivory colored doubled breasted trench coat and red leather gloves.
Emilia walked up to him, "Ready to go, Willy?"
He turned to her, and gave a very stiff nod, "Yeah," the smile he displayed was very tense. Emilia saw it, but decided to let it go for the time being, "I'll see you on Monday, Trisha."
"Alright, then. Be safe," Trisha bid her farewell as the two proceeded to leave.

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