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Life has been great so far,i recently moved from South Africa to Chicago a few months due to my studies,i am still trying to get the hang of staying alone since i didnt want to stay at dorms i wanted my own space.

I woke up and leaned over to my side to check the time when i noticed i was late for college,i quickly got up and raced to the shower and once i was done i went over to my closet to get an outfit,and thats when my phone rang i quickly pulled a pair of blue ripped jeans and an oversized hoodie as i went over to my phone,i smiled when the minute I saw who the call was from (Melissa, Y/Ns bff) and quickly swiped right to answer as i continued to get dressed

"i love you, bye"i hung up after we spoke
and dashed to the kitchen I shoved all my books including a single apple before running out the door

I couldn't even eat a proper meal because Melissa was rushing me, she was already waiting for me just outside my apartment unit since we normally walk together to college.

"Y\NNN" Melissa yelled from across the street waving her hand cheerfully, I scanned the road before running towards and pulling her in my embrace

'"yah pabo,tell me all about this mysterious guy you met on instagram"she ruffled my hair pulling away from the hug

"No not now"i whined throwing my hands up like a baby she has been on my ass about this ever since I mentioned him

"Come on just come out with it?"she lightly hit my shoulder and I sighed thinking about everything that went down between him and I

"Uhh actually i saw his pic on the explore page he seemed cute so i sent him a dm"okay I must admit I was bold for sliding into his dms like that I just couldn't help it

"No way you did that?"her eyes widened with slightly parted lips

"Yeah but we don't talk anymore"I shrugged my shoulders trying my best not to roll my eyes out of annoyance what happened between him and I still annoyed the crap out of me

"why what happened?"she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion

"i lost interest besides his bio looked very sketchy,something I never paid attention to when I hit him up"I know I can be very stupid at times

Melissa slightly nod her head and her lips formed into an o shape,I could tell she was not convinced though

"I was blocked by his sister"i finally told her and she burst into a fit of laugher stopping her tracks

"You know what I think?its his girlfriend why else would his sister stick her nose in his business hmmm"she spoke before sliding her hand over my shoulder

"I don't know hey"i replied knowing very well I lied to her
It's probably for the best I don't want to say much about the guy,and I was not joking about his bio

"Its okay baby there is plenty of fish in the sea"she chuckled as we continued to walk to college

Time skip

It was my last period and I had no business in thinking about a handsome young man who was probably on the other side of the world living his best life and here I was in school daydreaming about him,

i had so many questions like why was i blocked,did i mean anything to him,does he think about me?

i had dozed off when i heard a female voice call my name,i slowly opened my eyes and looked over to the girl who was standing beside my table

"Are you okay"she seemed concerned

"uhh yeah"I replied smiling trying not to be rude

"i was just checking on you since class was dismissed  a few minutes ago but you didnt leave"

"uhh im okay thanks for checking on me"i reassured her and she smiled as I packed my bags and we both walked out the class

The rest of the day went by smoothly I linked with Melissa later on for some drinks and talked more about the Kim Taehyung situation

"you could create another account,or better yet have you ever heard of a phone call?"she teased 
I shook my head in disappointment not because of her but in myself

"Where does he live anyway"she looked dead into my eyes when asking

"Uhh Seoul"I replied taking a sip of my caramel milkshake and she choked on hers the minute she heard the word Seoul

"Did you just say Seoul as in South Korea?"

"Yea i kind of stalked him for a good week but it was for a good cause though"I said embarrassed by the sudden words that slipped my tongue

we spent the entire afternoon just talking obviously gossiping,Melissa actually had a huge crush on our math teacher,every single girl at school drooled over him apart from me, yahh I'm straight okay I just don't find him attractive, besides he is a teacher after all

"Pabo it's getting pretty late plus I have a lot of assignments to do"And she nod her head in agreement as we both stood up at the same time before exiting the restaurant

Melissa finally broke the silence and asked "how bout we hit the club tomorrow?"

I looked over to her and said"no I don't know I have a lot of work"and crossed my arms

"please please "she frowned and gave her famous puppy dog eyes how could I resist this child

"Okay okay fine,now enough with those eyes"I gave her a hug and we went out separate ways..

This story has been in my drafts for a while but I finally decided to just publish once

Very short chapter but I promise it will get better,Kim Taehyung will appear soon❤️❤️

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