He Knows

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(texts between Essence and Jaycob)

Jaycob. Wassup pretty Pryncess

Essence. Hey Jay

Jaycob. How u been

Essence. Good and you

Jaycob. Not so good

Essence. Awe why

Jaycob. Cause I wanna see you

Essence. Aw I really need to talk to you

Jaycob. Really ?

Essence. Yea

Jaycob. Let's meet at the McDonald's ....... In the back parking lot

Essence. Ight

Jaycob. Ight. Come to my car

Essence. Ok see you in 10

(End of texts)

(Back parking lot if McDonalds )

(Essence gets in Jaycob's car)

Jaycob. Hey prynce

Essence. Hey. So listen there's something really important that I got to tell u

Jaycob. What is it ..... You can tell me anything

Essence. Ummm ..... OK ...... Um well I'm pregnant

Jaycob .... Wow but should you be telling Dylan this and not be ?

Essence. No because ..... Its not Dylan's baby

Jaycob. Then who's is it ?

Essence. Take a guess

Jaycob. Mine ?

Essence. Yours

Jaycob. Oh my god really you're really gonna have my baby ?

Essence. Apparently but I'm gonna get a DNA test when he's born just to make sure .... But ik that this is not Dylan's son though

Jaycob. So what your saying is ..... I'm finally getting a son ?

Essence. We both are

Jaycob. Oh my god ... Yes ! Oh ! Thank you !

End of part 3

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