Merry Christmas!

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Bri couldn't stop the tears from flowing as Bradley's words echoed in her head.

        ''Let me be there for you Brianna please'' He shifted a faintly gaze to her as he moved closer and sat beside her. ''Bradley?'' She clasped his hands gently. ''I'm sorry'' She apologized whilst crying. ''No Brianna'' He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. ''Everything is going to be okay, I promise'' He assured her. ''Do not leave me ever again, please'' She looked pleadingly into his eyes. ''I will never go away ever again Brianna'' Bradley breathed out heavily. ''I love you so much Bradley'' Bri cried in his arms. ''I love you more'' Bradley replied. ''I hate to interfere, but you two look so cute together and it sickens me'' Miriam said teasingly as she walked in. ''You're ruining the moment Miriam!'' A fake frown was fixed on Bradley's face. ''Our moment'' Bri added with a smile. ''Way to go lovebirds'' Miriam rolled her eyes, as Bradley and Bri laughed.
Bri's laughter soon begin to wan as she walked towards Miriam. ''I'm so sorry Miriam'' Bri cried. ''Hush sweetheart'' Miriam pulled her closer and embraced her. ''Now I'm jealous'' Bradley joked. ''Oh shut it Brad. You're ruining the moment'' Miriam joked. ''Group hug?'' Bradley widened his arms. ''Hell no boy! You know you're in charge of her regimen, right?'' ''Aha ma'am'' Bradley nodded. ''Then get your ass to work, because my baby and I got a lot of catching up to do'' Miriam smiled at Bri, who in turn chuckled. ''Now move your ass'' Miriam commanded. ''Aye boss'' Bradley saluted. And everyone laughed.

As days went by, things began to fall into place. Bri and Bradley rekindled their relationship, and Miriam became her chirpy bossy old self again.

Months passed by within a blink of an eye, and it was Christmas period.

       ''What would you love for Christmas?'' Bradley asked while tucking her hair behind her ear. ''I'd love anything as long as it's from you'' Bri replied blithely. ''Really?" Bradley asked. ''Yes'' Bri nodded as she played with his fingers. ''What if I offer myself?'' Bradley winked at her. ''You're really something Bradley'' Bri laughed. ''Only for you I'm'' Bradley fondled her hand and pecked her on her forehead.

       A day to Christmas

      ''Got something special planned out for tomorrow?'' Miriam asked Bri who was deeply lost in her thoughts. ''Are you with me Missy?'' Miriam asked while snapping her fingers really close to Bri's face. ''Huh?'' Bri let out a sharp yelp in surprise. ''What's wrong Missy?'' Miriam asked. ''What? I'm good" Bri shrugged. ''No you're not. Now tell me, what's wrong?'' She looked into her eyes, seeking for a sincere answer. ''I miss them'' Bri lowered her tone. ''Hunny?'' Miriam moved to where she sat. ''It's almost another year, and I don't get to see them'' Bri choked up. ''You can still see...'' ''No Miriam'' Bri interrupted. ''I don't want to see them ever again. And.. Oh God! What was I thinking bringing up this topic'' Bri tried concealing her tears. ''Bri?'' Miriam called. ''I'm fine Miriam. For real I'm'' Bri turned to another direction. ''Come here sweetheart'' She embraced Bri lovingly, as Bri cried. ''Everything will be alright sweetheart'' Miriam assured her.

         The day of Christmas 🌲

     ''Oh God!'' Bri exclaimed after waking up to a Christmas breakfast. ''Merry Christmas hunny!'' Bradley walked in holding a box of chocolate and a bouquest. ''Merry Christmas!'' Bri embraced him. ''I'm always late for the hugging part'' Miriam shook her head disappointedly. ''Merry Christmas Miriam'' Bri ran to embrace her. ''Merry Christmas sweetheart. And to you too dork head'' Miriam smiled. ''Merry Christmas to you too Boss'' Bradley joked. ''Come her boy'' Miriam pulled him closer for a group hug. ''I love you two so much. And I pray you always remain this happy. Nah, much happier''

It was a really fun day for Bri and Bradley. Bradley got Miriam a pair of new flat shoe, and he got Bri a novel titled ''Afterlife''

       ''A novel?'' Bri smiled while receiving it. ''Yes'' Bradley nodded. ''I want you to know something Brianna'' He looked straight into her eyes. ''What is it Bradley?'' Bri asked. ''I want you to know that I'll always be with you, even in the afterlife'' Tears formed in his eyes. ''I won't go anywhere Bradley. Because I do not want to go anywhere without you'' ''I won't let you go anywhere without me either, I promise. I love you so much Brianna'' He caressed her cheek. ''I love you more Bradley. Here, I got you this'' She handed him a drawing paper. Bradley took it and stared at the drawing for seconds before asking, ''Did you draw this?'' ''Yes. I know it looks stupid and...'' Bradley interrupted her with a kiss. ''I love it so much Brianna. Thank you'' Without parting her lips, Bri smiled and held him tight.


This story is slowly coming to an end.

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Remember, I'm open to suggestions on how to make my stories better.

I love you all. ♥️

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