Maddy walks in and says
"Who's ready to die"
Kian and Abby got up and looked out the window but he couldn't and Abby started crying and Kian said
"Its ok we will be fine"
But Abby and Kian heard a gun shot
"No we aren't"Abby whimpered
Kian was scared and they knew one of them was going to get hurt and it was true but Kian didn't want to get her hurt. He knew she wasn't strong enough but he said
"Yes we will"
He opens the door and slowly walked down stairs and saw Maddy and she turned her back and Kian walks up to Maddy and stabs her shoulder and Abby was half way down the stairs and Maddy turned looking at Abby and she tries to run back but Maddy shoots Abby in the arm but it doesn't kill her so Kian kept trying to stab her but it wouldn't work
"Your mine" Maddy says
No he wasn't Kian thinking Abby was his but he was more worried about Abby so Kian says
"If you leave every one will be fine"Kian said putting his hands in front of his stomach
Maddy tries to shoot him but she misses but she ended up hitting his hand but it wasn't a big deal to him so Kian turns and stabs Maddy in the heart so she died she didn't mean anything to her so Kian ran up stairs to see Abby she only made it up to the top so Kian sits down and looked at the shot
"It's really bad"Abby says trying not to cry
"Hold on I'm getting ace bandages"Kian said
"Ok"Abby whimpered
So once Kian got the ace bandages he wrapped Abby's arm she asked
"Thank you"
Abby realizes Kians hand
"Oh nothing"Kian pulling his hand away
"No that's not just nothing" Abby taking Kians hand and pulls his hand to her
"its fine, I'm fine I just need to help you"Kian almost in anger
"No you don't " Abby trying not to mind her shoulder and taking off the bandage
"Ugh what ever I don't care"Kian said
So Abby put the bandage on his arm in agony she said
"This surprisingly doesn't hurt"Abby slightly smiled
Kian laughs but he knew that it hurt, but he didn't really know if he killed her because he didn't know if he missed or didn't and just knocked her out so Kian walks over to see Maddy laying on the ground with the knife in her heart but something was wrong Kian was feeling weird and dizzy so he looks at Abby and he fell on the ground and Abby just watched him lay there for a few seconds and got up and fell down the stairs almost to get to him Abby checked his pulse...