What did I Do?

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I do not own My Hero Academia or the charters from it.

Your alarm screeches into your ear, startling you awake as you try to grab for it. The giant arm of your boyfriend is practically pinning you to the bed as he seems unbothered by the alarm or the fact that you're struggling to get out from under him.

"Turn that damn thing off." His voice is deep and raspy in your ear causing you to shiver.

"I'm trying but your giant arm is kind of in the way." you mutter, trying and failing to push it off.

He laughs at your pitiful strength. Now fully awake, he climbs over top of you and shuts your phone up while looking down at you with a smile that can only be described as sinful. You smile up at him, mischievous as ever to match his tone. He tries to plant a kiss but you dodge his antics and give a good shove to his firm chest. Rolling his eyes, he flops over and lets you go. He decides to get out of bed with you and pulls on a pair of sweats as you go to the closet.

"I'm sorry Red Hot, but I need to actually go to work today." He growls and mutters something under his breath as he quickly walks past you to the kitchen.

You take a few minutes to pick out your clothes for the day and change. You walk to where you have your makeup, turning on the bright light, and prepare yourself to start your makeup. Katsuki comes back with a cup and sets your glass of coffee on the counter. He always brings you a cup of coffee when you wake up so you could concentrate more on getting ready. It was one of the many things you loved about him.

You smile and kiss his cheek in thanks as you continue with preparing the products you're using today. Expecting him to leave like he normally does, he instead sits down on the counter next to you, looking quite childish and confused. You chuckle to yourself as he leans closer to examine all that you're doing.

He points at the bottle in your hand, "What's that for?"

You glance at the bottle then back at him. Staring at him in a dumbfounded manner. He furrows his brow at your expression, waiting impatiently for a reply. "Babe?"

"Oh!" You scratch the back of your neck and smile. " Uh, moisturizer."

"What's it do?"

"Moisturizes the skin. Not all of us have flawless skin like you, Red Hot." He chuckles and watches you as you put the moisturizer onto your face.

You grab concealer and he points again, "What's that for?"

"Concealer, hides the bags under my eyes." You begin to apply it when he comes back with, "You don't have any bags."

You smile at him and state dramatically, "I do, Katsuki, and I wouldn't have them if YOU didn't keep me up all night."

He hides a laugh thinking about how cute you are when you snap at him. You pull out your beauty blender and Katsuki tilts his head, now more confused as ever as you begin to blend in your concealer.

"Why are you using an egg to rub that shit in?"

"Egg!" You laugh glancing at your makeup sponge. "It's a makeup sponge to blend it!"

"Well-ugh-looks like an egg to me." He mutters. After blending, you pick a few colors of eyeshadow, deciding to use his costume color scheme today.

Picking out the perfect orange and brushing it over the creases of your eyes, he leans closer to you. "Why's that stuff orange!" You look at him. "There's no way to hide that damn shade with your egg thing!" He sounds baffled and you start laughing again.

"I'm not trying to hide it, Katsuki. It's eyeshadow it's supposed to be colored." A blush peppers his cheeks and he clears his throat as you start putting green on your lids. He is still trying to hide the fact that he was blushing when his eyes widened in sudden realization.

"Wait!" You jump at the sudden noise. Thankfully you didn't mess up your eyeshadow or you would've killed him right then and there. You turn, annoyed at his loud nature, to look at him as he states the obvious, "Those are my colors!" You notice his blush was deep and he leans in closer.

"Yeah, dummy!" You chuckle at him thinking he's cute and go back to applying the green. He leans in close to your ear, lightly brushing your ear with his lips, and growls, "So everyone knows you're mine.", sending goosebumps across your whole body and a blush across your face.

He laughs at your blushing complection and brushes his finger against your cheeks, taking the sight of you hot and bothered as confirmation. "Damn right you're mine, teddy bear, and don't ever forget that." making his voice deeper as he stares into your eyes

You look away quickly, swatting his hand away. After readjusting yourself, you grab your foundation, applying some on your makeup sponge and applying it on your still pink cheeks. He got up from the counter, thinking he finally got the reaction he wanted and was going to leave, but instead he came to stand right behind you and started to rub your back.
"More concealer?" He mutters after taking your cup and sipping some of the coffee.

"It's foundation, not as thick as concealer." You state. Grabbing your setting powder you start laying it down.

He goes to ask, but you cut him off with, "It's setting powder. Makes the foundation stick so it doesn't rub off." He nods, still watching you intently.

You line your eyes and this seems to completely entice him. "Why do you have it come up to a point?"

"It's called a cat's eye, Katsuki. I don't know why people do it. I just like it that way." You smile at him. You finish the liner and add highlighter and blush.

"Why add the pink stuff?"

"To add color to my face."

"I can make you blush in a second. Wanna test it out?" He growls, placing his hands on either side of your waist, holding you firmly and squeezing slightly. You try to hide the fact that he did in fact make you blush.

"Ha! See, I told you I could do it!" He chuckles. Adding a light amount of tinted chapstick you smile seeing you finally finished. You turn to him, quickly going from one ridiculous pose to another as you showcase your makeup look and ask, "What do you think?"

"I don't understand!" Katsuki states, looking right at you through the mirror.

Baffled, you say, "What do you mean! You spent an hour asking me questions like a three year old and you don't understand!" You're genuinely confused and starting to get mad. It takes you time to get ready and look nice, not just for work, but for him as well. Although you know makeup is a foriegn language to your meathead of a man, you still hoped he would have listened and put in some effort to try and understand something you do love.

He chuckles,"It's not the makeup, dumbass." Wrapping his arms around your waist, leaning close to whisper in your ear, like he's about to tell you a secret only you two know. "What I meant, Teddy Bear, is-it's just sometimes I don't understand what I did to deserve you."

You gasp, turning around in his arms to properly face him and try to look up at him. Since being with Katsuki, you've noticed that when he says stuff, especially about how he truly feels, he wants to hide his face. You know exactly how he feels. Katsuki Bakugou may be one of the most critically acclaimed heroes, but you know that under all his cocky fasade, he's hard on himself and constantly doubting his abilities. After his confession, his face was hidden in your neck where he leaves a quick kiss and turns quickly to leave the bathroom.

You know it's hard for him to confess his true feelings so his sudden leaving was just what he does, but you instantly rush after him and hug him from behind. No words needed to be said between the two of you. He understood just like you did and acknowledges your gesture by giving you hands a squeeze with his own. He did deserve the best and was deserving of love. The love you give him. Truly, you had no idea why someone like Katsuki would have ever looked twice at you. But this wasn't a time to doubt yourself because you deserve each other. And in his arms was right where you wanted to be.

Written by: @arabellebaby
Edited by: @mrs.clegane
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