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Emilee is different from her sister. She maybe beautiful like her sister, but she is friendly to everyone. She helps people out as her beloved sister flaunts her beauty. Emilee loves Rosalie, but Rosalie liked to show off. Till the night turned Rosalie against everyone, but her sister and their new family.
The night it happened, Emilee had left the library as Rosalie was gone to a friend who just had a baby. As Emilee walked down the streets, she heard her sister's fiancé. She didn't lay him or his friends no mind as she walked by. "Emilee Hale, my girl's little sister."

"She's beautiful."

"Hey! Where do you think your going?"

"Home." Emilee replies. "Away from you drunks."

Royce stepped in front of Emilee. "You can join us."

"I have to get home before my parents and Rosalie began to worry."

Royce smirked as Emilee tried to run. He turned to see his buddies holding Emilee. "Let the party begin."
Rosalie was walking home when she heard screaming that sounded like her sister. Rosalie ran towards the screaming to see Royce on top of her sister as she was barely breathing. "Get off her!" Rosalie screamed as she shoved Royce off of her sister.

"I was finished any way." He tells her. "Now it's your turn."

Rosalie tried to run like her sister, but got beaten to death. The sound of running caught Royce and his men's attention making them leave.

Carlisle arrived to see the Hale sisters and sighed. "One of you might be Edward's mate as the other, I felt bad that your life would had ended earlier and no girl deserved to go through what you did." He tells Emilee. He bit both girls. Rosalie screamed as Emilee was to numb to feel anything.
Esme sat with Emilee since they've learnt that Rosalie was Edward's mate. Rosalie came back from killing Royce and his men for what they did. "How is she?"

"Edward reads her mind every time he comes in and she's scared." Esme tells her. "She went through something she didn't think would happen to her."  

"Why was she walking by that way."

"Looking for you." Edward replied as he stood beside her. "Emilee wanted to make sure you were safe."

"Oh Emilee." Rosalie said as she kissed her sister's head. "I should have left early and none of this would have happened to you."

Emilee opened her eyes and saw everything in the room. She saw her sister and smiled. "Rosalie?"

"Thank god." Rosalie said hugging her.

Emilee hugged her back. Edward and Esme started telling Emilee about what she was and what can't happen. When the sound of a small heartbeat was heard in the room. All eyes went to Emilee. "What?"

"Oh my god." Rosalie said as she looked at her sister. "Your pregnant."

Just those words put fear in her as she knew it was one of Royce's men's or his. She started dry sobbing as Rosalie hugged her. Esme looked at Edward who felt bad for Emilee, but they promise to help Emilee through this. She needed them now more than ever. Especially Rosalie.

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