chapter one

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All hope of settling things with the Geonosions has been lost, despite the fact that I came and spoke with respect, honor, even flattery, and I've accepted that this will end in battle

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All hope of settling things with the Geonosions has been lost, despite the fact that I came and spoke with respect, honor, even flattery, and I've accepted that this will end in battle. A bead of sweat rolls down my forehead, the heat of this planet only adding to my longing to return home, back to the Jedi Temple.

In front of me, two Geonosians hover, their wings buzzing lightly as we stare each other down, daring the other to make the first move. This, two soldiers alone, would not be a problem but behind me I can sense the beat of more wings, coming steadily closer. Reinforcements.

I fight the instinct to panic and center my attention. Slowly picking apart the buzzing of the insects enough to distinguish each pair of wings, the way the dust moves in their wake, where each one is situated around me. There are eight, maybe nine, Geonosians waiting to attack should I move towards the ones in front of me.

There is unease rippling through them like a wave, slow and thick, enough to make me anxious. I know that if I focus, I can pinpoint the cause of the distress and use it to my advantage, but they won't wait around forever. I need to move quickly. What is it they're hiding?

The stress that rolls off the insects can be broken into more potent emotions. Fear, anticipation, even desperation. No one else is coming to help. This is the last troop that the Geonosian king will send. They know that in order to make it out alive, they'll have to finish me off or let me go. I roll my lightsaber in my hand and choose my target.

In a split second, I've lunged forward, bringing my saber up the front of the closest Geonosian as the group behind me explodes into action. The whir of wings knocks dust into the air, burning my eyes and throat.

I spin, bringing two more bugs down, and clearing the sand that's disturbing my vision. I sense movement behind me, tense and frantic, and bring my lightsaber around before the wretched insect has a chance to pull the trigger on its blaster.

Gunfire rains down on me from my right, shots I just manage to deflect as I race towards the small group that's left. I'm so close to the end of this battle.

Two bugs flank me on either side, their blasters coming dangerously close to my face before I leap in the air above them, forcing my lightsaber down on one and throwing its body against the other.

Above me, the sound of a ship landing explodes in my ears, causing the remaining bugs to scatter. I chase after one, tackling it to the ground and drawing my saber against its chest before the hull of the ship opens and more blaster fire pours out. I deactivate my saber and exhale angrily. I know exactly who is coming out of that ship.

"Glad I could take care of the rest of those bugs for you. You're needed back on Coruscant," A deep voice says loudly as the ship powers down and a group of clones begin to sweep the area.

I spin around. "Why do you always have to stick your nose into my missions? I was doing fine, Anakin!" I say, glaring at the tall Jedi before me.

He pulls a face as though surprised that I'm angry. "I don't even get a 'thank you'? Some fellow Jedi you are. A real team player," He retorts.

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