Lily POV
Someone found me. How did they find me?
I was up in my room watching videos while my parents were downstairs. It was late at night so I should probably head to sleep soon. As I was getting ready for bed, I heard a loud thud come from downstairs. I slowly crept towards my door and opened it a crack. I saw men standing there, many of them had guns pointed around the house. Two of the men had their guns pointed at my parents, my room was quite far so I couldn't hear them. But, I know something for sure... my father pointed at my room before getting shot along with my mother. I hurried and shut my door and locked it before grabbing my phone off my bed and jumping out my window and onto the roof. I jumped down off the roof and started running as fast as I could, I don't know if those men will be able to find me but I was not taking any more chances. I called the only number that I knew I could trust right now.
[End of Flashback]
The phone rang two, maybe three, times before I heard someone on the other end of the line.
"I think someone found me."
"Where are you?"
"Running around the neighborhood. I'm near the park we used to go to. I'm scared."
"Don't be scared. I'm on my way to get you along with some of my friends."
"Please hurry. I don't know what to do."
"Just stay on the phone with me. Okay?"
"Now, breathe for me."
I started to breathe in and out to calm myself down and it worked a little bit. After twenty minutes of walking around the park, a car pulled up near me. He had ended the call because he said that he and his friends were around the corner so my fear had spiked once more. I quickly started looking around before deciding to climb up a tree. I looked down and soon saw that it was him and he looked right back up with me with sorrowful eyes.
"Lily, please come down."
I nodded before slowly making my way down the tree. My feet touched the ground and I immediately ran towards him and wrapped my arms around him.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much."
He stroked my hair while hugging me back.
"Let's get away from here? Hm?"
I nodded my head furiously before following him to the car from earlier. Inside were two other people but I was still too scared to function properly so I simply laid my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes. I was too scared to even try to sleep so I simply sat there in silence staring into the darkness. Sooner than I thought, the car stopped and we had arrived at their house. I took slow steps towards the door, once the doors were opened I heard shouting.
??: "There you are! You can't just run out of the house like that! Especially with is happening nowadays!"
?: "Hyung, I have a perfect reason for running out like that."
??: "Oh yeah? What is your reason?"
Brother: "Guys, this is my sister. Her name is Lily."
I looked up towards them and waved a little. The one yelling had light brown hair and looked buff, he looked very stressed out.
??: "You didn't tell us you had a sister."
Brother: "I wanted to keep her out of everything and I mean, everything. If you guys didn't know about her then she would never be on my file and if she was never on my file then no one would ever know about her."

Fanfiction*Book 1 in the Boyz series* The Boyz are a mafia/gang. One day, they found out that two of their members have been keeping a secret. A big secret. How will this secret change them and the way they live?