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Echoes were heard ever few second. It would get louder each time someone or something thing said.

Am I dreaming?...what is that sound?

Jaemin slowly woke up to see 4 people hovering over him. They all looked so blurry to him. They all were blobs in his eyes. Until his vision was clearer.

"OH THANK GOODNESS I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD JAEMIN!" Donghyuck screamed to the top of his lungs.

Chenle whined and hit Hyuck,"and you say i'm loud." he huffed before sitting Jaemin up slowly.

"We thought you died! You looked like a dead person atleast in my eyes!" Jisung said worried for his hyung.

Something was strange about the atmosphere...Jaemin counted multiple times. And two were missing..Renjun an Jeno.

"Where's Jeno and Renjun?" He asked before instantly remembering he yelled at them earlier. So, Why come and see if he was okay?

"Who's Jeno?" Mark asked confused looking at the younger.

"And who's Renjun?" Jisung thought Jaemin really hit his head hard that now he's calling out random names of people he doesn't even know.

"my boyfriends?" Jaemin chuckled thinking they were joking around with him since he just woke up.

His friends really didn't know who this Jeno and Jaemin were, or where Jaemin got that he had two boyfriends? He only had one in his lifetime and that was one.

"Jaemin hyung, what in the world did you see in that deep sleep of yours-" Chenle said shaking his head.

Jaemin looked at him in disbelief, "what are you guys talking about!? YALL know Jeno and Renjun. You all better not be playing a prank on me." he said getting pissed a little bit.

Hyuck noticed and sighed and sat beside Jaemin and put his hand on his shoulder and frowned, "Jaemin, are you still not over your last break up with Hyunjin?" Jaemin noticed that Hyuck was being serious about this.

He doesn't understand what's going on...Renjun and Jeno existed three minutes ago.

4 of his friends stood outside the hospital room since Jaemin asked for space cause he needed to think about somethings. Which they of course thought that it was about the break up with Hyunjin he was talking about.

Hyuck was sitting on Mark's lap huffing and puffing arguing that he wanted Jaemin to be okay again and be happy that the old days. Ever since Hyunjin left him he's been heart broken and sad.

Jisung's thoughts on this situation was pretty strange and out of place really for him. Why would he start talking about people that no one knew about? And whos Jeno and Renjun? Are they angels?
Or did he actually die and see them?!

Chenle really didn't care for the matter at the moment all he was thinking in his head was Jisung and him getting married one day.

Mark found it pretty strange how Jaemin brung up random names. Just Like Jisung he thought that maybe he did die and he came back to life and he saw the ghosts of Renjun and Jeno?

"Yah! Jisung-ah get me something from the vending machine chopchop" Hyuck said holding out a bill with his hand. Was it really his money that he was giving Jisung? No, it was bet money he is SUPPOSED to give to Chenle today cause he won the bet of Jaemin waking up.

Jisung got up and snatched the money, "Since when do I become a made hyung? All you ever do is tell me to do this and that." he ended it with that and going to the vending machine and Hyuck shrugged it off and laughed before looking at Chenle. He was really out there daydreaming.

"YAH, ZHONG CHENLE!" he shouted outloud and kicked him with his foot.

Chenle yelped and looked at Hyuck and glared,"I was dreaming of me and Jisung's marriage! You messed it all up now!" he wasn't pleased with the interruption.

Jaemin sat there in the bed looking around for anything useful he could use to find out what day or year...SOMETHING!

He found someone's jacket on a chair. It looked liked Donghyuck's. So, he searched the pockets and luckily found a phone. he ended up taking it.

"you fucking kidding me?" he said looked at Hyucks phone. It had a passcode to it. He thought for a second and tried Mark's birthday. It didn't work. Something with Mark had to be involved.

After like 5 minutes of thinking he thought of their anniversary. He remembered what it was. They got together on May 20. He quickly typed it in.

It unlocked.

He decided to looked at text messages. The first one to appear was himself. So, he looked at it and skimmed through messages.

Turns out they really didn't know a Hyuck. And whatever happened between him and hyunjin to break up. It really did hurt his feelings. Something deep inside as he read the messages of him being hurt and Hyuck trying to reassure him that everything was gonna be okay...hurt his own feelings.

Hyuk really was there for Jaemin. He really thought Jaemin was gonna try to do something to himself.

He frowned as he stopped reading, and got off the messages. He checked the date and time it was August 2, 2022.

"Already?...is it really 2022?" He looked around and raised a brow. Nothing looked so different in this year at all. He wondered what was going on.

"Hey, Jaemin hyung!" he heard a loud excited voice. Jaemin knew that voice anywhere. It was Chenle.

"Look...I know you don't wanna see him...b-but he wanted to talk to you. He heard what happened and wanted to go check on you." Chenle seemed nervous now then happy. He was playing with his fingers and avoiding eye contact with Jaemin. He ended up saying bye and ran away.

Jaemin waited for the person to come in.

"Hi Jaemin...."

I wanna go home...I don't like it here. I wanna be with my boyfriends. I wanna apologize. I just wanna be with the ones I'm meant to be with.
Please let me go home.

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