Chapter 3

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The ticking of the clock was silent, obscured by the crowd who waited in eager anticipation for the interview to begin.

The lines of cushioned seats were filled completely, the dim room lit only by the beaming lights upon the stage. The audiance consisted of devoted fans who belonged to a group of seven young idols, world renowned men who had risen high through the extension of great efforts.

In the case of all famous members of society, not only were their interests and work common topics of discussion but so too, to their dismay, was the topic of soulmates.

As they prepared in the small room several corridors away from the stage they worked with their stylists to once again cover their soulmarks from the prying eyes of society.

They didn't like to. It hurt to hide. Felt as if such a simple act was a betrayal against their soul and yours. But they could not leave them exposed.

Jin had sighed as he gazed upon the reflection of his left shoulder one last time before the fabric of his shirt was pulled up and the buttons fastened. All of them had done the same, a final time caressing the marks before having to cover them, sadness in their eyes.

It had been so long and they were still yet to find you. They had searched far and wide, across the country and the seas. It was one of the reasons they had drawn together and formed this group, strove so hard for fame. All for you. To meet you. And yet, there was still the question of your existance. They had grown up with faded colours filling their marks, finding each other in similar circumstances when they had moved to Seoul to peruse their dreams and you.

At this time, comming together under a struggling company, the seven trainees realised the commonality, no, the identity of their situations. It only took a slip of fabric and a glance for an upraw to occur in the mirror covered practice room. They realised a shocking truth: none of them were certain if their soulmate was alive, and all of them shared the same mark; the same soulmate. They quickly rushed then to pull away the fabric of their outfits and show each other the marks they all bore, the same in all regards except the location on each man's body. They were troubled, confused and their realities trembled. But they got through it, together, and only years later reached the hight of fame, achieved what many said was impossible for the young boys.

The mirrored walls from of the small dressing room resembled the ones that surround the seven in the past, this time casting a reflection and pressure upon them, one that had only grown more pervasive over time. They tried their best to ignore it and focus on their work, but against all their desires a relief would not come easily. Unknown to them in that moment, the comming day would throw some harsh words, thoughts, truths and shift reality once again. Their world would shatter a little more, and fall a little sharper under their feet then it had done all those years ago.

But at this time, they were still ignorant to the powers of desire.

The group was running late, by no error of their own, resulting in a restlessness that built by the second. It fluctuated the moment they stepped foot upon the reflective ebony floor of the stage, anounced by the interviewer who recieved them with a polite smile and bow.

They returned the gesture, turning to their fans to great them before taking their places upon the two bench seats. They were wooden, slightly uncomfortable, and long enough to sit four a piece. The seven split into two groups, the eldest two and yongest sat on the slightly elevated back bench whilst the remainder took front row.

At first nothing had seemed abnormal, the group successfully performing a snipit of their upcoming album at the request of the interviewer and to the excitement of the room and home viewers.

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