-Chapter 1

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[ Hey! quick message from me to you, I just wanted to thank you first for clicking on the first chapter :3 but also I wanted to say that IF my sentences seem a little off sometimes it's because english isn't my first language, so just a heads up! i'm trying my best to read everything and fix any errors. Enough of my babbling, enjoy the story :) ]

[ ps. this story contains strong language and mature themes! ]

"Bellamy you look like absolute shit." I hear as soon as I step in the classroom. "I think i've never looked more alive than I do right now, Ivy. Honestly I feel like I'm capable of running a marathon." I answer with just enough sarcasm as I rub my eyes.
Damn these lights are brighter than I thought.
As I make my way through the classroom to Ivy I almost stumble over some bags that are just carelessly thrown on the ground and as the graceful girl I am I manage to fall on to my chair. "Bullseye." I mumble as Ivy chuckles lightly. She moves her stuff to her own table and asks "So at what ungodly time did you stop this fine night? 2am? 3am? 4am? sunrise?" she asks with a hint of irritation in her voice.
Ivy is always nagging about my bedtime schedule— which to be fair isn't even qualified to be called a schedule as it's always all over the place. "If I remember correctly it was 3am." I say slowly avoiding eye contact with her completely, here it comes.
"Bellamy fucking Robins, you mean to tell me you've slept for what? 4 hours tops? No wonder you're as pale as a sheet of paper." Ivy says a little louder than I would've wanted. "Shhhhh I know that's upsetting for you but please keep your voice down, i'm fine honestly. I'll set a timer today and go to bed at 11pm to prevent myself from diving into an endless hole of called the internet." I hissed quickly, something I absolutely hate: unwanted attention.
Ivy rolls her eyes "As if a timer would help, you're the type of person to jump head first into anything you find interesting and then the rest of the world is deemed uninteresting. I'll call you tonight as your alarm, 11pm sharp you'll hear my lovely voice scolding you to bed. If you don't pick up the phone I will without hesitation drive to your house and climb through your window to put you the fuck to sleep." Ivy says in all seriousness, I'm not even sure she blinked while she said that. "You live 15 minutes away from me."
I cross my arms, she wouldn't do that, would she? Ivy's eyes narrow "I know where you live, just remember that." "Alright...cool..." I'm not sure if I should be thankful for a friend like Ivy or change my digits and move to a different country. That's a concern for later I guess.
Just then the bell rang and the teacher began attendance. The rest of the day was a blur, maybe 4 hours of sleep isn't enough to fully function, but I honestly couldn't complain as I brought this on myself. Ivy had been talking my ear off during lunchtime about how salads are too plain and why shrek is better than most disney princes.
I kind of agreed on her shrek points, at least the ones I heard. At the end of the day I heard a low voice through the crowd calling my name "Bellamy wait!" just when I unlocked my bike I turn around to a tall figure standing directly behind me suddenly as the only thing I see is shoulder length.
"Hi shoulder what would you want to ask me?" I say dryly before pushing the figure away from me.
When I look up I see two green eyes I know too well, it was Roman. "You weren't about to go cycle home without me, were you?" he said with a dramatic sad face. It was kind of cute I guess, although I totally forgot we had agreed on cycling home together. "I wasn't." I say keeping a straight face, at least I thought I was, because Roman seemed to poke right through me. "Nice try Bellamy, I kind of expected you to forget it." he said shrugging as he grabbed his bike a few stalls away. "Wow thanks for your never ending faith in me. Am I that disappointing?" I sit on my bike, keeping my toes on the ground to prevent myself from falling over as I check my phone.
He expected me to not remember? That kind of bugged me, as if I'm incompetent to remember anything, but he's kind of right... In a few seconds he parked his bike next to mine looking at me with a little smile "Don't think too much, it's totally fine, let's go." he said as he got on his pedal and started to cycle away from me. "Wait up!" I say loudly cycling after him. Once next to him I raised my brow looking at him. Roman was always a puzzle to me, but I liked it that way. Our friendship was shortly said a thing of 'you have your secrets and I have mine, but if you need me i'll be your friend'.
It was convenient, nothing too serious but just an overall great time. "So, have you finished your english assignment?" Roman looks at me "Of course, you know me, i'm not a slacker unlike the others." he said shaking his head slowly, his brown curly hair dangling in front of his eyes. "Right, sir planner."
I say scoffing lightly. "What? I like things organized and planned, something secure you know." he said mumbling a little at the end. "Your desk on the other hand is a big old mess Bellamy, last time we hung out I almost had a heart attack."  I push him gently on his arm, just enough to create some more distance between our bikes "Shut the fuck up Roman, it's a work in progress, also I didn't ask for a cleaning lecture so save it." I chuckle as I roll my eyes. Roman laughs "Alright, whatever, i'll talk to you tomorrow as you're probably planning on playing that new game, to be frank, I am too just to prove i'm better than you at it. That's all for now, catch you later." and with that he disappeared in a small alleyway and I was left with a confused expression on my face and a little smile.
He was right though, I was going to play the new game everyone was dying to play, Determinate or something? We'll see what it's all about tonight I guess...

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