TommyInnit + fem! Reader (Dream SMP war au) 🥀 (platonic)

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Genre: Angst
Love interest: Tommyinnit
Backstory: You are fighting on Tommy's side of the war, he gets murdered and you go sad (lmao what-)
This is really short. This was just written to show my writing style.
Also I don't do swearing, if I do it'll be like this: ****

This is not a request, something I had in mind then I read a one shot and it gave me more ideas.

The female (HairColour)'s eyes widened as she saw the blonde figure laying on the grass.
She raised her head and noticed the 3 figures smiling smugly at the bloodied body, (yourname) rushed over to the body.
She turned the body over and was met with dull, lifeless, grey eyes. A tear rolled down her cheek.
"No, nononono. This can't be happening, Tommy! Wake up! TOMMY WAKE UP! YOU CAMT DO THIS TO US!" The (Eyecolour) girl screamed desperately.
"Wilbur, do you have anymore Healing potions?" She asked desperately as she turned to face the boy. He shook his head.
"It doesn't work on dead people, (YourName) I'm sorry." He said quietly, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Believe all you want, but I can assure you, he's dead. After all, I killed him myself." You whipped your head up and saw a bloodied, masked figure, smirking. (Yourname) looked at him straight in the eye.
"You did WHAT." She asked white-hot anger Bubbling inside her. He pushed his mask up to his sandy-blonde hair.
He laughed.
His laugh echoed and was dripping with Venom, Sapnap and George laughed too. (Yourname) getting less devastated and madder at each laugh.
   "HE WAS SIXTEEN! HE WAS SIXTEEN YOU ************! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT! HE WAS SO YOUNG AND YET YOU HAVE YHE GUTS TO LAUGH? AND SMILE? YOU *******! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A LEADER?!" The (Eye colour)ed female screamed with fury at the blood-covered trio. Fundy grabbed the female's arm, repeatedly muttering;
   "Calm (Username/Youtube name), Calm, please."
The three Males were no longer smiling, slightly taken aback. The L'Manburg residents looked at (Yourname), startled as the female has never sworn that much, or was that aggressive. She fell to the ground, hyperventilating.
(Yourname)'s voice was not her usual (Deep/highpitched etc) voice, it was deep and demonic.
She leapt at Dream with her netherite sword, swinging it at the sandy-blonde male, he was taken by surprise. He tried to deflect her blows but he couldn't do so forever. (Yourname) Stabbed at him once in the stomach,
And again
And again.

She was now covered in blood, Dream's blood.
The residents of L'manburg stared at her, shocked at her sudden outburst. Tubbo snapped out of his trance.
"(username) WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? STOP!" He shouted desperately. She paid no attention. Soon enough the whole group was shouted at her, trying to restrain her from her endless bloodlust and vengeance.
"HE KILLED TOMMY! HE KILL HIM!" (Username) Shouted in the same demonic voice, "HE DESERVES IT!"
The psychotic female whipped her head up to face George and Sapnap, they backed away in fear. She grabbed dream's body and tossed it aside.
   "Haha- (Username), lets be reasonable here..." Sapnap said nervously.
"No Mercy will be shown." She lunged at him, blood-stained sword at hand, laughing like a manic as stabbed the make over and over again, same like dream, but slightly less violent.

George attempted to stop the (HairColour)ed girl from skilling Sapnap, emphasis on attempted as she turned over and shot an arrow through is heart and he to, fell to the ground. Unconscious.
"(Username)!" Tubbo grabbed the female's arm desperately, "What are you doing? I know you're mad but this is way to far!"
"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" (Yourname) cried, voice returned to its normal state. "You don't... understand..."

Then she slowly slipped unconscious.

Part two?
This chapter is really short and I'm honestly not sorry for the cliffhanger lmao.
Please leave suggestions!

~Author-chan out ✨💖

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