Legendary Help!

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Mewtwo:I feel I am so close but I cannot sense them I need to think something fast!

Darkrai:You will fight 1v1 with randım pokemon of yours!HAaaaahahahhah

-Misty got Psyduck and Lana got Sandy

-Serena got Pancham and Dawn got Pachirisu

-May got Munchlax and Lillie got Snowy

-Mallow got Tsareena and Iris got  Gible

-Sonia and Chloe got their Yampers

Serena:I really don't want to this but I have to or Darkrai will hurt ash too badly....

mabe worse...

All of them were fighting but they weren't giving their all because they didn't want to hurt each other's precious pokemon but Darkrai's controller had other plans and he started to hurt Ash.

All girls: NOOO! STOP!

Darkrai:You are not fighting like I want!Do it properly or else.....

-all shakes their head-

Mewtwo was close and it sensed Ash's pain:

OH no! He'S in pain I need to focus.-While they are fighting Mewtwo has found them and it focused on the girls and told them:

-I am Mewtwo and I will help you but first don'T stop and  act a little more serious let that man please himself with the heat of battle then I will make my move and save you.Now do not say anything and and have a furious battle.I am almost ready to act.

-Mewtwo finds their bodies alongside with that Darkrai and prepares itself to act.

-Mewtwo entered the Ash's mind and told him:

-Hello Ash, now listen I am trying to save you but you need to move with me:


Mewtwo:Now I feel sth so strong with you what is it?

Ash:*I don't know maybe...it can be my Aura...  

Mewtwo:Hmm...Well that's amazing news, now I want you to try bonding with Greninja while focusing  to your aura with Lucario.Now ladies when he's distracted you will attack all together!

Ash:*I will try my best....    Ok,here goes nothing!-Ash's bond with Greninja let's them go Ash-Greninja and with the boost  of Aura, Greninja's transformation water vortex goes huge and the vortex covered of Ash and all of his pokemon and ash said: Time to PAYBACK!!!!


Then all girls attacks and hits that from behind after that Mewtwo enters the dreamland and it starts clashing with Darkrai.

- Aura Sphere against Dark Pulse they clashed but Ash was angry because Darkrai hurt his precious friends and he, Greninja, Pikachu and everyone was ready Ash used his aura to make a shockwave with a little help from Lucario.

-After that shockwave everyone was shook and after that all of his pokemon attacked alongside with Mewtwo they defeated darkrai but the moment it tried to escape Mewtwo's psyhic powers let it move the rocks of battleground and prevent Darkai's escape.When Pikachu shocked Darkrai, the forceful controller of it has faint because of that powerful shock.Then a lot of time with Officer Jenny they sent the man to jail.

Ash:Thanks Mewtwo, if you didn't come I don't know what could happen to us.

Pokegirls(one after another): Well he's right thank you so much<3

Mewtwo:Well (cough cough) it is nothing really.

Ash:How did you find us?

Mewtwo That man tried to control me but he failed but when he tried I look up to his mind and saw his plans then I decided to act to pay my debt to you.

Ash:There are no debts between us :D(imagine a iconic Ash smirk)

-For the rest of the day Mewtwo stayed with them because of Ash's tons of insist.

Mewtwo:What are you gonna do now you have won the WCS?

Ash:So what? I still have 8 regional leagues to win to become atrue Pokemon Master.

Mewtwo:Hmm.......... I will see you in the morning, I need to think of something.....


Pikachu wakes him up with a shock, Ash:

(aaaa/zzzzzt) Wow (shakes his head to both sides)Morning buddy:D

After breakfast Mewtwo returns with hiding it's excitement:

Ash do you planning to travel again?


Mewtwo:Then you have found yourself a new teammate?

Ash(with surpirsed face):You really mean ....

Mewtwo: Yes boy I want to tag along but know this I won't be always with you but most of the time especially when you need me (With a little smirk)Now! time to fight!

Ash:Sceptile I choose you!


One hit after another Sceptile weakens Mewtwo and Ash throws an Ultra Ball and catches Mewtwo.

Ash:(Mewtwo exits from ball) Thanks so much Mewtwo but I cannot stop wondering; what gave you this idea to tag along?

Mewtwo: A little trip to minds of your friends(with a big smirk because of their ideas of Ash:))

After that day Ash, Serena and all his friends alongside  with Proffesor Oak and Delia  went  to Kanto.

In Kanto so much was expecting them, especially for Ash because of ......

-to learn the rest just wait and see until sth good comes to my  mind:D-

                                                                            -the end of chapter-

Pokemon: A New Era by Pokefan3816Where stories live. Discover now