Name: Noir SparkBurst
Age: 19
Status: Main Character's Fated Rival
Soul Element: Lightning
Soul Color: Silver
Personality: Egotistical, arrogant, rude
Likes: Being alone, being on top of the tier system, putting Dark in his place, winning, meat
Dislikes: Dark, pretty much everyone, Dark, vegetables, Dark, spices, Dark, sweets, Dark, not being treated as a king, did I mention Dark yet?
Notes: Both a sore winner and a sore loser, constantly rubs his superiority in other people's faces knowing that they can't do anything.
The Realm of Fantasy: Reverie (Original Story)
FantasyReverie, the realm of fantasy, here you're judged by the color of your element and by your element. Mine? Gold, contrary to popular belief gold is... the weakest, same with my element, fire. My name? Dark, Dark SpireFlame. You know, I've been resear...