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(i don't remember the time layla and gus broke up so i'm just making it up for the story)

december 29th,2016

i'm sad can i talk to you
i might also be on xannax
but that's beside the point
i'm upset

yea gus
what do you need i'm all ears
are you okay

me and layla got in a fight
a huge one

what about
it's fine you don't have to tell me if you don't want to
i'm just wanna help

well we was just doing are thing
and no i don't mean sex
but then she started crying and i asked her why she was crying
and she confessed that she suck another guys dick and showed me a video of it
basically we both yelled at eachother and she stormed out and left
did i fuck up by yelling at her

gus honey
she fucking cheated on you
why are you still with her
you had every right to yell at her,that's so disrespectful
dump her ass
but props to her tho at least she was honest
but fr gus dump her you don't deserve someone like that at all.

okay i'll do that
i just gotta prepare for that
i'll text you after we do breakup

okay gussie

january 5th,2017

you dude wtf was up with layla's twitter yesterday
like seriously bro
i'm not mad i'm laughing

i did it
i don't feel bad either
she deserve better
but rn i don't know how i feel ab her

good job gus
do you feel like a weight lifted off your shoulders ??

it's like the the weight of the world. was lifted off me but replaced with a small rock.
ya know
as if someone helping. me helped me out
and yes bby
i'm talking about you
i'm so fucking bored rn😤

theres plenty of
things you could
to entertain yourself

well i tried jacking off
and that got boring

imma pretend that i didn't
just read that
anyways you wanna
hang out with me molly isn't here rn so we can just hang by ourselves  she said she was with a friend

molly is here with tracy
doing god knows what
i hear screams 
i think there good screams tho
(stranger things fandom wya😳)
but send me the addy
now or i'll cook your dog

one sec
573 fairyland road

be there in 20 ;)

don't try anything mister 😤✋️

next chapter gonna be irl :))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2020 ⏰

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