Chapter 17

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The reflection of ending movie credits could be seen in Akaashi's eyes as they scrolled up along the screen of his laptop.
Sitting back, he reached a hand out and paused the movie that'd been on screen.
"So, how was it, watching the movie for the thousandth time?" There was almost a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
Lying next to Akaashi, a ghostly pale Bokuto smiled.
"...Good..." Bokuto eased back and buried his head into his pillow. He looked in Akaashi's direction. It took a moment for Bokuto to focus on him.
Pulling his laptop close, Akaashi smoothed his finger along the mouse pad. He looked to the lower right corner of the screen. January 19th, 6:40pm.
Akaashi pulled a solemn face and closed the laptop. He moved in his seat and sat straight against the head of the bed, then looked down at Bokuto.
His tired eyes were on Akaashi. He was grinning.
Forcing a smile of his own, Akaashi tilted his head only slightly.
"What are you smiling at?" He reached a hand out and touched Bokuto's forehead. He was cool to the touch - colder than most. Akaashi was quick to withdraw his hand, but he managed it discretely.
It took a moment for Bokuto to respond, but after some time, he managed some words.
"... Thank you..."
"Don't worry about it." A sheepish grin curled Akaashi's lips. "I know you're fond of that movie." He looked down at Bokuto as he said this, and glanced away soon after. Something told him that those words weren't meant for the movie, but Akaashi shoved this thought away.
He twisted his body to reach for the box of Pocky that sat on the counter. He opened it and pulled one out.
"Do you want one?"
Bokuto nodded and stretched a wobbling arm out. Akaashi placed it in between his fingers, and Bokuto retracted his hand to hold the biscuit snack against himself. He held it to his nose with some difficulty and breathed in the strawberry scent, then let his arm fall. He touched at it lightly, twirled it shakily between his fingers, and studied it, but he never ate it.
Akaashi placed the box back onto the counter and huffed softly.
"You seem to have grown more attached to that Pocky stick than me..."
Bokuto looked up, surprised, and glanced back down at the snack in his hands. It took time for Akaashi's words to reach him, but when they finally did, his face lit up as he broke out in laughter.
It was the weakest sound Akaashi had ever heard.
"Ah, I've finally said something funny." Akaashi chuckled with Bokuto, folding his arms in the process. "I told you I had my moments every so often."
Bokuto's laughter died down and he closed his eyes.
"Give me a break here." Akaashi's chortling had been dragged out for a few seconds longer before he, too, quieted down.
They remained speechless in each other's company for several minutes before Bokuto actually spoke up, his voice sounding like nothing more than a mere whisper.
Akaashi looked at him.
Bokuto swallowed thickly and toyed with the Pocky in his hand.
"Ask... M-me w... Why I like... Cloud Atlas so much."
Perplexed, Akaashi directed his full attention to Bokuto.
"Well alright... Koutarou, why do you like Cloud Atlas so much?" He watched Bokuto intently, curious to know what his answer would be.
Looking up at Akaashi with eager eyes, as if he'd been asked the question out of his own free will, Bokuto gladly answered.
"S... So you... Know in the m-movie when... Th... Characters die in one life...?" He kept his weary yellow eyes on Akaashi, waiting for him to nod. Once he did, Bokuto continued. "W-well... I... Like it when... Th-they find each other again... In another life."
Bokuto's voice was soft, measly, and carried no force to it. But as he spoke about his favorite scene, Akaashi could sense a powerful vibe coming from him... One that wasn't there before.
A hopeful one.
"It m-makes me... Feel like I'll h-have another life... One beyond this one... One that's better... Wh.. Where I can actually wake up to you... and be with y... you..." A smile played on his pale, thin lips. "One where we... Can... Live n...normal lives instead of... Living... This one."
Akaashi couldn't find any words to say at that moment. He stared at Bokuto and could only nod with whatever it was he thought he was agreeing with. He felt as if all the air had been squeezed out of his body by the words that Bokuto had spoken.
Of all the things that Bokuto found most endearing of the movie, Akaashi never thought it would be that.
Managing a miserable smile, Akaashi roughly rubbed his palm with his thumb.
"You know... I would like that. Very much." He spoke gently in Bokuto's direction.
"Me too..." Bokuto's eyes never left Akaashi. He stared at him intently and watched every move he made, to the point where this had captured Akaashi's attention.
"Why do you watch me like that?" His emerald eyes met golden ones.
Though the question was asked clearly, Bokuto didn't make a sound, nor did he move. He instead continued to stare in Akaashi's direction with hopeful eyes.
After what felt like the longest ten seconds of his life, a sudden shudder charged down Akaashi's spine, causing goose bumps to rise on his flesh. He held his breath, then proceeded to ask again.
"Koutarou... Why do you watch me like that?" It took every fiber of his being to keep his voice from trembling.
It was then that Bokuto's eyes blinked in realization, and slowly but surely, he moved his lips to answer.
"Just... Because..." He replied in what almost sounded like a surprised tone. "I didn't... Want you to leave. Sometimes when I... blink... you aren't there anymore..." Bokuto rubbed one of his eyes, then the other, and let his hand drop to his sides.
Akaashi tried to hide his frown. His eyes looked down at Bokuto's hands. They were thin and bony, and he could see those smooth blue veins curling over the bones beneath his flesh.
He reached a hand out and took Bokuto's hand in his own.
Bokuto's automatic reaction to the warmth was to curl his fingers around Akaashi's grasp. He looked at him and exhaled through his nose quietly.
Akaashi met his gaze, then looked down.
"Don't worry. I'm still here."
Bokuto nodded feebly against his pillow.
"I'm still... Here too..." His voice was weaker than before, if possible.
Akaashi nodded, with him.
"Yeah. You're still here, too..."
With what little strength he had left, Bokuto beamed.
Akaashi wished he could do the same.

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