Chapter 1: A New Day Arrives

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As I'm slowly opening my eyes from slumber, I am yet again introduced to a dark room, similar in atmosphere to an evening walk in an alleyway. The only light there being the small rays of early sunshine, creeping in from the window and through the curtains. The whole setting gives off a feeling of uncertainty, but at the same time provides a feeling of security. I turn my head to the left, and notice my phone alarm hasn't... Never mind, I spoke too soon. I suppose it felt nice beating my alarm this morning, it's better to just wake up on your own than to a loud buzzing. I guide my half asleep arm, watching it to make sure I'm not dreaming still, and turn the alarm off, burning my eyes a bit from the bright screen of my phone. I sit up on the plain white mattress and stretch my arms, earning a satisfying crack from my joints. A long night on a stiff mattress really tenses you up, unsurprisingly. After doing so, I stand up off of my bed and go prepare a bowl of cereal. I make my way across the small apartment and into the kitchen, well, it's the bare minimum of being a kitchen. I grab a box of cereal I left on the counter and dump the last bit of it into a small ceramic bowl. All I need is milk. Oh wait... There isn't any... Fuck... Oh well, that's the least of my worries today. After all, a new day has arrived, and there's much more for me to look forward to today than a bowl of dry store brand cereal. "Why?" you may be asking? Well, I've been in the talks with some very important people for a while who have connections with those in higher places, and I have finally made a breakthrough. I can proudly say that I will be joining as a new member on the roster of team Rainbow! I'm certainly not new to combat, I've had a lot of training through out my life. The moment I graduated from school, I took up joining the armed forces. I don't like talking about my parents very often, but my dad was a former lieutenant and my mom was a cop, so I've already been reprimanded and disciplined my whole life up to that point, meaning that life in the army wasn't a difficult adjustment. Eventually, I got the privilege to be moved to the (CTU). I'm not really that cocky of an individual, but I think it's safe to say that I've really honed my effectiveness in almost every situation of combat, whether it be tactical and close quarters, or something more confrontational. Apparently I wasn't the only one thinking that I could potentially do more, as my superiors also have taken notice to my elevated skill, knowledge, and overall performance, and have agreed to help me move up in the world, bringing me back to the whole gig with team Rainbow. Not many people know about it's existence, simply because of the fact that you're not really supposed to know about it. It's not as easy as just asking for a position, they need to choose you. They really do stand by their word on picking the best of the best, and they really do show why they're the most elite among everyone else on the globe. Such a diverse and flexible cast of soldiers really live up to their praise, and I'm proud to be able to earn the privilege of strongly representing the team alongside them, as well as representing my home country of (Y/C). Refocusing on my breakfast after zoning out for a bit, I pour the last bit of cereal into my mouth and place the bowl into the small sink, which is by the inconveniently placed table I stood at for my meal, if you can call it that. I check my phone for the time. The digital clock read 5:30 AM, still nice and early. I was anticipating on waking up so early due to my excitement and desire for some adventure, and also because today is my last day in this cramped apartment, which is situated in Birmingham. This part of the city is pretty depressing, and I guess it just makes me feel more antsy to get out of here. I can't wait to finally get a move on. I know, I've been living here for a week, but only because I had to. I've been awaiting for the appropriate time to be transported to Hereford, which is just outside the city, and is home to the team Rainbow base, which, in turn, makes it my new home. The costs of the apartment were covered by someone in Rainbow anyway, and on such short notice as well. I get that I don't need anything fancy and this was the closest I could get to Hereford under such short notice, but even someone like me can get claustrophobic at times. I'm a bit of an introvert myself, preferring smaller spaces anyway, but still. I guess I don't have a right to complain, though. I should just shut up and be thankful, which I most certainly am! Enough complaining about tight spaces and depressing atmospheres, I need to brush my teeth and head out the door. Someone is coming to drive me to Hereford, which is only about 30 minutes to an hour away from here depending on the traffic and time of day. A man called me yesterday afternoon informing me of this. From his information, they should be here any second now. Maybe I should've been quicker. Oh well, they're not here yet so I guess I can quickly make myself look presentable. I showered last night, so that's not a problem. Almost on cue as I finish combing the last few strands of my hair, a firm knock on the metal door was made.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2020 ⏰

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