Chapter 9 - Bride

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Christine's POV:

I opened my eyes and saw the black of a fine dress suit. I looked up and saw Erik was sleeping soundly. His mask was off and he looked so peaceful. I traced his jawline and remembered what he had said about our getting married today. I didn't want to wake him so I moved gently out of his arms. I bent down and kissed him lightly on the cheek. He shifted and I didn't want to leave. His embrace was so warm and comforting. I quickly changed into my best dress and put on some makeup. He was still sound asleep. I walked over and shook his quietly.

“Erik,” I whispered. He groaned and I smiled. Normally if I had done that to Raoul he would have jerked awake with a start. But Erik wasn't like Raoul at all.

“What?” He murmured.

“I am going to fix breakfast. I want you out of this bed in twenty minutes. Have you forgotten that we are getting married today?” He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Okay, that was a little weird. They were so deep set that it didn't look quite normal. He looked at me and said,

“How could I have forgotten? Give me ten minutes and I will be ready.” I laughed.

“Well, I have to have breakfast and are we having the wedding here or are we going to the surface?” Erik smiled and said,

“I will go get him. It will be simpler. Do you need anything from the surface?” I shook my head. After watching him stand up, I walked to the kitchen. It didn't take me long to fix breakfast. I watched the eggs frying and realized this would be my life for the rest of my existence. I would cook dinner, clean the house, and be loved by my angel. I wouldn't have to be the perfect wife or mother. Or mother. That stung. I wouldn't have children. Erik had already said no. I wanted to be a mother but I would keep it from him. He didn't need to know my pain. I set the table and looked at the long table. It could fit children. It wasn't like we didn't have the room. I smiled and fought back a tear. I looked up and saw Erik standing in the doorway. He had a pained look on his face.

“Christine, is something wrong?” I shook my head. He raised his eyebrows but didn't push the question. We finished breakfast and he went to get the minister. I waited patiently and soon I heard the sound of water lapping against a boat. Erik had returned. I walked to a window and saw him in the bow with a man sitting in front of him. The man looked petrified but seemed to be trying to hold on a bold face. I stepped out the door and I could tell he took a sigh of relief when he saw my face. Erik docked the boat and I watched the pair walked toward me. I smiled at the minister and kissed Erik's cheek. That is the mask-covered cheek. He couldn't go around with his mask off while we had guest. I could tell that Erik wasn't about to make polite conversation so I said,

“How are you this morning, Monsieur? I am Christine Daae. This is my fiancee Erik. Won't you come in?” He nodded briskly and I led them into the house. I gestured for him to set in the drawing room as I said,

“Would you like some tea, Monsieur?” He shook his head and said,

“Would you kindly explain this, Mademoiselle? I am confused. This man has come to me telling me that my services are required. But I would like to know what is going on.” I laughed and settled down in a chair. Erik sat on his piano bench and glared. I shot him a warning look and he loosened up a bit.

“What is your name?” He sighed and said,

“Edmond Pierre.” I smiled and said,

“Monsieur Pierre, as I said before I am Christine Daae and this is my fiancee Erik. Erik is the Phantom of the Opera. We wish to be married. That is why you were brought here.” He scowled.

“So you want me to marry you two?” Erik and I nodded. Erik calmly said,

“You will be paid well, Monsieur Pierre. How does two thousand Frances sound to you?” Monsieur Pierre's jaw dropped.

“Monsieur Erik, I would marry this girl to the devil for that kind of money. If she wanted the devil that is.” Erik scowled and I heard him say under his breath.

“That is what she is getting.” Erik stood up and said,

“Well, Monsieur Pierre, shall we get started?” The minister nodded and put us in our places. Erik took my hands in his and the wedding began. I listend as the minister said the appropriate words and then it came to the part where the minister said,

“Erik...” He trailed off. Erik sighed.

“I have no last name.” I looked up at him. I saw he had closed his eyes and was fighting emotion. “I never knew my name. Would you mind if I took your's, Christine?” I shook my head.

“Erik, you can take mine. I think my father would be proud.” The minister looked at Erik for conformation and restarted the sentence,

“Erik Daae, will you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, til death do you part?” I knew Erik was smiling because I heard it in his voice as he said,

“I do.” The minister turned toward me and said,

“Christine Daae, will you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, til death do you part?” I smiled broadly as I said,

“I do.” I heard the shaking in his voice as he said,

“I now pronounce you man and wife.” He turned his back and finished his statement. “You may kiss the bride.” He had enough respect for Erik to turn his back so he wouldn't have to see his face. I was grateful for his kindness. Erik lifted his make and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. But one touch on my back told me that more was to come. He replaced the mask, fetched the money for Monsieur Pierre and took him home. He returned about an hour later and pealed off the mask the moment he walked through the door. He pulled me into an embrace and whispered into my hair,

“You are now my wife. I never thought I would have one.” I smiled and said,

“I am your wife and what are you going to do about it?” I swore he blushed as he kissed my neck. He whispered,

“What do you want me to do about it?” I blushed and started to unbutton his shirt. Let's say, he got the idea really quick.

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