let's start there

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Hi everyone.. Hi to however gonna read this
My name is... It doesn't really matter, I've always felt that my name is worthless anyway.
The start was like anybody else's life
I grow up in an ordinary family with ordinary parents seems to encourage the hell out of me in order to improve in life , well actually they don't really care about me improving what they really care about is me getting a job and finally be able to pay them back for what they used to call the price of giving birth to me
I went to school .. And the struggle starts from there where I felt like an alien nobody seem to share my ideas or my believes or even dreams they used to make fun of me because I believed anything that they were saying.. I was crying over anything.. I was fragile, so fragile
And the worst yet to come I used to have a different way of thinking and It's an advantage sometimes but not in my condition
Nothing around me seems to go the way I want
I was a victim but not for anybody
I was a victim for my own mind ...

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