Surprise adoption! (vlog format)

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Shelly: Good morning keep it crazy family, today is a really exciting day. Recently we found out that Brinley and Trey have an older sister. Although we said that we were not fostering or adopting anymore a case worker reached out to us and told us that their sister needed a home. So today we are going to go get her!
Jared: We are not adopting her yet, we will just be fostering and because it is an emergency placement we haven't ever met her. Hopefully she will fit right in to our family.

*in the car*
Shelly: Okay, so we are here and we're super excited to see her. We can't say her name or show her face and we will probably put the camera away once we get her because we want to respect her privacy and-

Jared: Oh and really quickly just let me add that Brinley does remember her sister and she is always talking about her memories with her. We have been looking for her sister for a while now and we're so excited to see Brinleys face once we bring her sister home.

Shelly: Jared i think they're here. *looks to camera* We will talk to you guys later.

*that night*
Shelly: *in a quiet voice* Hey guys, so it is really late right now but i just wanted to catch you guys up. We just can't even explain how well this girl fits into our family, even after just being here for a few hours. We did actually film Brinley and her's reaction to seeing eachother but we can't post it so that will be for another time.
Lacey: It was so cute to watch them hug eachother and Brinley started crying which is crazy because she barely ever cries!
Shelly: Anyway it is really late so i'm going to end the vlog here. We probably won't post for a little while just to let her settle in. Goodnight everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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