She is carrying my child. Chapter 5

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Benedict POV:

I arrived home to my angry mother wondering where in the bloody hell I ran off too?!

When I told my mother about the child, her final gasket blew. "You stupid boy, I raised you better than this! What were you thinking bringing that woman here?!" my mother harped at me. I sighed and explained to her what happend between Olivia and I.

When I finished the story, she stared at me for a few moments then opened her mouth to speak, " Benedict, if this is the truth, she needs to know dear."

I nodded in agreement, " She dose not want to see me at the moment and Tom is going to try and coaxs her into talking to me" I said as I took a seat in the living room. I placed my head in my hands and sighed. My whole body was tired, my mind was a raging whirl pool of thoughts and emotions that I feared it would blow any second.

I felt my mother pat my back, " She'll be back Ben, just give her some time dear. How about a nice quick supper and bed? Sound nice?" she asked me sweetly. All I could do was nod.She walked to the kitchen to get started on supper, "Thanks Mum" I said as she smiled at me.

Tom's POV:

I walked through the door with groceries in hand. I am going to have to tell Nina I spilled the beans about Skye and the baby. She is going to be so pissed and Ill be lucky to even sleep in the bed tonight.

"There you are Tom!" she said worriedly. "When I asked for General Tsao Chicken, I didnt meant go to freaking China to recieve it love." I sighed and placed the groceries into the kitchen. I pulled her inside and closed the kitchen door. " I blurted out that she is pregnant to Benedict" I said as my wife's face went from silly and loving to I am about to strangle you!

"YOU WHAT?!" she yelled. I quickly covered her mouth with my palm. " I'm sorry, it sorta just happend love. He was at the store and it just came rushing out. You know I cant keep secrets like this from people! He told me what really happend." She scoffed by I sopke agian, "Seriously love, have you ever known Benedict to lie?" she shook her head no in response. " Has he ever cheated to you knowlage?" I asked and once agian she shook her head no.

" You do reliaze that Olivia wanted Benedict back. Skye was just in the way, so what better way to get rid of the soon to be bride then make her think Benedict was cheating" I finished and stared at my wife.

"Thomas I do believe you spoke your self back into our bed, if this is true how are you going to tell Skye about this?" Nina asked as she began placing the groceries into the cuboards. "That I have no idea on" I muttered.

"Ill think of something babe, but right now there is a starving preggers woman upstairs" she said. I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

The next day(Still Tom's POV):

I was able to procure an extra copy of Skye's sonogram and the Doctor even did a small video, in which I got a copy of that too. It pays that the Doctor is a fan of Sherlock and Ben, so that part was easy.

Nina is going to speak to Skye about things with Ben, while I show the sonogram and video to Ben. I arrived at his placed and parked my car. I barely knocked on the door, when I was pulled inside! "How's the baby? Everything alright? Do you know the sex yet?" Ben was asking me questions a mile a minute!

"Give me a second to even get through your door way man!" I said as I shoved my way into the living room.

The couch was a mess, packs of cigarettes littered the table and an empty decontaner of scotch off to the side. " You know, you cant have this laying around if you want her and the baby here" I said. His head shot up and I quickly finished, " Nina is trying her best to presaude her to come back here and work things out. I was going to but you know how my wife is" I finished and Benedict had a huge grin on his face.

" Thank you so much Tom" he said as I gave him a smile. " Here you are Ben" I said as I handed him the black and white photo of the baby. I saw him tear up a bit and a shivering smile covered his face. " Do you know the sex yet?" he asked and I shook my head no. " She wants it to be a supirse, but knowing her she'll wanna know soon" I said with a smirk.

He chuckled and I followed him to the livingroom. I walked my way up to his tv and placed the dvd inside the player, I turned the tv on.

Benedicts face looked at me confused until he saw the baby moving around inside Skye's womb. He was inamerad with the tv screen.

"Thats my baby?" He asked and I patted him on the back and nodded. Ben covered his mouth and stared at the screen. I just let him enjoy this moment, I just hope Nina is making head way with Skye. I know she missed Ben.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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