First summoning: Pt2

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Thunder rumbled in the skies but lightning didn’t touch the ground. Just like the feeling one gets when experiencing the drop of a cliff, I felt in my heart of hearts that something odd might happen soon. A teaspoon of intuition if you will. 

I nodded to myself. Someone in my makeshift net groaned, possibly in pain, but didn’t rouse. Not killing anyone on that battlefield was a fun challenge for sure, and it was a good exercise for controlling the power of my techniques. Alrighty, time to go… 

Dozens of bodies suspended by softly glowing chakra strings that cocooned each of them like little caterpillars. My wings silently beat as I flew towards the great tree. During the flight, I wondered what she would find in that place that would give her immense power. If I blinked, the tree’s chakra seemed to be fluctuating rapidly, starting from the deepest roots and spreading to the branches above. 

A few minutes later, I alighted upon a thick branch that twisted randomly. “Otsutsuki!” My voice carried in the wind, yet no response. Hmm. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on finding her chakra signature.. Ahah! Her signature registered a little further up the tree, standing sedentary. 

One of my paws found purchase in the air and soon the rest of me followed. Being able to easily manipulate most elements requires fine control over my own chakra, so eventually I developed a technique that allows me to float midair when I reduce the effects of gravity upon myself. Up and up we went, up the seemingly endless pillar of a tree. 

My ascent halted when we were parallel to each other. I lifted the cocooned soldiers that dangled from my right arm, at which she emotionlessly looked over my prisoners then met my eyes.. “It’s not done yet Set, look.” In her delicate looking hand, she grasped a blindingly fluorescent orb. 

“So this is the thing that would give you power to do whatever you need to bring peace. What is that?” I asked. In answering, she bit the orb and her body simultaneously glowed with an ethereal blue light. In the middle of her forehead, a third eye snapped open and she opened her other two eyes while the new eye swirled with intricate patterns. Two curving horns sprouted from beneath her bone white hair. 

That was a rather cool transformation. “This is the forbidden fruit of my clan, the chakra fruit. I am going against everything they told me because there is a better way, a better way here with humanity.” The otherworldly woman gazed up at the sky, then raised her left hand, beckoning to the soldiers who were beginning to wake up. 

I extended my arm allowing her to grab them and with all of the men facing her, the red on black eye in her forehead swirled. “Awaken!” Her shout was accompanied by an invasive pulse of chakra that flushed the trapped men’s chakra systems. 

Most of them yelped in alarm, not expecting to wake up meters above the ground. “Whoa! S-so high up!” None of their limbs were freed, leaving them completely immobile. Instead of struggling like the last time, the men stayed still, thinking they would be meeting their ends at the hands of this goddess-like being before them. 


One of the cocooned humans gazed at her with regret in his glistening eyes. A tear ran down his cheek when she looked upon him without warmth. “It wasn’t meant to end this way…the world shouldn’t have to be like this..” He trailed off and lowered his head in sorrow.

She floated away from the tree’s safety, to meet the man she loved, and cradled his handsome, bruised face in her hand. Her beautiful being seemed to have calmed him. It was as if there was nobody else in the world but those two. 

“You’re right, and this is why I have to do this. Tenji, for the sake of Peace in this world, you would even give up the one you love. For this reason I find that I can love you more, because even though you didn’t like what you had to do, you would still do the deed to achieve your dream. So now, as I am, our dreams can be fulfilled!” Otsutsuki’s face, while emotionless, seemed to soften.

Tenji’s weary face looked so confused because the woman he cherished held the appearance of some sort of god. Who is she? At that very moment he must’ve drawn a blank, not being able to connect any of the missing pieces. 

“I want you to bear witness to what is about to transpire my love, for this is the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity!” 

With that declaration being said, the radiantly glowing woman tossed the rest of the radioactive fruit in my beak’s direction and stoically said,“Eat it.” I reflexively nabbed it from the air and swallowed it. 

It felt like my blood turned into a lava flow but it didn’t feel as painful as the formation of an eye in the forefront of my skull. I almost lost control of my chakra strings but reigned in the unprecedented pain and opened my third eye. My perception of the world had changed greatly with the addition of another eye, honestly, it was very peculiar. 

Being able to see more than just the world around me, but also the chakra running rampant all around me was disorienting. I could only assume that I had the same eye my summoner did. I was relieved to note that I didn’t feel horns growing from my head, but that relief was short lived when a second pair of wings grew out from beneath my skin and emerged fully feathered. 

I experimentally flapped them, huh, these could be used for extra directional movement in the air. Looking inwards, I realized that the source of the pain was the sudden increase of chakra in my body, interesting. . . 

I thanked her and she nodded. “I want you to set them on the ground where they can watch.” Granting her wish, I descended rapidly till the ground greeted me, and I retracted the invulnerable chakra strings. The freed humans stumbled away from me and looked on as their leader’s lady ascended.  

Her distant figure soared upwards into the sky where above her head, the very space broke open in a split second. The black expanse spread until it opened like an eye, revealing a pulsating orb in the center that greatly resembled the eye in the middle of Otsutsuki’s forehead. 

“Shine upon the world! Mugen Tsukuyomi!”

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2020 ⏰

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