History Lesson.

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                      September 15th 1988
Anne Marie was pretty rare, she was part of the %1 percent of the world's population who posses red hair and green eyes, many would describe her breath taking, stunning, beautiful, but others would describe her as full of herself, selfish, rude, those were the people who always talked without knowing her, Anne Marie used to say, and it was true, she wasn't a bad person she was just a bit spoiled but with a great ambition and very smart girl. When I say ambition I really mean it, when Anne was 5 and was watching the national news with her parents the first thing she said as soon as she saw the crown prince was "I swear daddy, some day I will marry the crown prince and I will become the queen." Her parents laughed, of course typical dreams of a little girl, marry the prince and live in a castle happily ever after, but only Anne knew that she was talking seriously, she knew that the only way to change the world, help her people, and leave her mark in the world was becoming the queen of The United States of America , and she was willing to obtain it. It was a chilly morning of September when Anne got ready to go to school and meet her friends, she ran to find her large group of friends, Donna her best friend salute her. "Hey Anne! Ready for our history test?" Anne Marie rolled her emerald eyes, she hated when people called her just Anne. "Don't call me just Anne I hate it! Call me Anne Marie, it sounds more regal, and yes I am ready i study the whole week for it." Donna just watched her with a stern look, she hated when her childhood friend little Annie corrected her about her name, they have been friends since they were three! Can't she call her Annie? Donna didn't want to make a big fuss about it so she let her be. "Whatever you say your majesty Queen Anne Marie." Joked Donna with a funny tone in her voice but Anne Marie enjoyed being called like that. The morning passed and it was time for their History test but before they took a few minutes to study, Ms.Reynolds spoke first. "Ok class, who would tell me a small summary of  America's monarchy?" Of course Anne Marie was the first to raise her hand, some girls rolled their eyes, Ms.Perfect attacks again they all thought, but they received a harsh look from Donna that could scare even the toughest man. "After America became independent George Washington became the first president of the United States, however democracy didn't worked out, there were too many issues with the new country and people wasn't used to the new term of presidency so Washington decided that the best solution to all the problems was to follow the example of Britain and become a monarchy, this is how Washington became the first king of the USA" this didn't made any sense, Anne Marie always thought, but this was how history was made. "Very good Anne Marie! As always my most smart student!" Said Ms.Reynolds with a cheerful expression, she beloved the child. After finishing their test Anne Marie and Donna went to lunch and while talking the theme of the crown prince came out. "Did you saw prince Edward this morning on the news? He is becoming more handsome every time I see him!" Said a very excited Donna. "Of course I saw him Donna, I think his plan to build new homes for people with low income is just perfect! Oh Donna if only I was beside him, we would be the most powerful King and Queen history has seen." Anne Marie was already imagine the possibilities her union with the prince could bring, but Donna only saw it as a weird obsession that eventually would pass with the years. "I don't know Anne Marie, aren't we too young to think about governing a whole country? Aren't you 13? You should be worrying about boys and stuff not about state matters." Anne Marie just smirked. "Oh Donna it's always the time to make big plans, you'll see, I will become a great Queen some day." It was at this time that both Donna and Anne Marie knew for sure Anne would become the queen, it was the confidence in her voice that Donna found terrifying. The years passed eventually and our dear little Anne Marie became her Royal Highness Queen Anne Marie of the United Stars of America.

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