Chapter 11 : Promises

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"I don't know whether I would admire you or I should scold you, P'..", Win uttered after listening to Krist, shaking his head.

He crossed his legs as he changed his seating position, placing his tea cup on the plate. He can't help but feel sorry for his senior for being so 'dumb' giving up on his beloved.

"Right. Coming from the guy whose idiotically loving a person secretly.", Krist retorted, rolling his eyes at his junior who became his closest friend over the years.

Win just smiled awkwardly, avoiding his senior's teasing gaze.

"Well..", he uttered, trying to think of something to defend himself but couldn't think of any excuse at all so he scratched his head instead, grinning at his senior.

"Ouch!", he said as he grabbed his chest, acting pained.

"Silly!", Krist said, suppressing his chuckles.

"Seriously though. Why did you let him go?", Win asked.

Krist absentmindedly scanned the vast landscape in Metawin's mansion. They are now having a tea at the terrace, Win's favorite place when having a snack.

Whenever he feels lost or feels troubled, he finds himself playing instruments in Win's studio which the latter openly offers to him and his former bandmates. Though they already have their separate works since they already disbanded, they still hang out together to pass time and de-stress.

"As much as I want to keep him beside me.. I don't want to be the reason for him to stop growing..", he uttered, staring blankly into an invisible space.

"I understand your point.. But is that what he want? To be away from you?", Win asked, elegantly sipping his tea.

 But is that what he want? To be away from you?", Win asked, elegantly sipping his tea

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"I don't know what he wants. But I do know that he will think of me first before making a decision.. I knew he wanted to work behind the camera since we were in Uni. I thought that goal has changed when we entered showbiz..", he answered, lowering his gaze, looking at the floor, seemingly weighing his decision.

"When he mentioned about it again during an interview after all those years.. I knew I had to prepare myself for that day..", he continued speaking.

Win nodded as if he is slowly getting why Krist is sacrificing his happiness.

"His fondness of photography.. His curiousity in film making.. His eagerness to help directing.. I loved it all. I love seeing his eyes burn in excitement. I don't want that passion slowly die being with me. He has something bigger ahead of him. So.. I choose to let him go and let him follow his dream..", he said with a heavy heart.

"Whews..! I rest my case.", Win commented after Krist's speech.

Krist smiled bitterly, staring back into the open air, drifting back to the memory of the night Singto and him parted ways.

Krist smiled bitterly, staring back into the open air, drifting back to the memory of the night Singto and him parted ways

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"What do you mean?", Singto creased his forehead, looking anxious at what Krist just said.

He held his lover's hand, hoping he just misunderstood what the younger lad had uttered.

"Come on, Phi.. Don't make this harder than it already is..", Krist said, acting brave and firm.

"Then, tell me how you have come up to this decision. You told me, you wanted to walk beside me. Why are you giving up now?", Singto asked, beginning to feel frustrated.

He feels like he is choking in pain, his chest is becoming heavy. Krist loosened Singto's grip on his hand and gently pushed it away then turned around and stood up to walk away. The older lad hugged Krist's waist and buried his face on his back.

"Please.. Don't do this.. I can't lose you. Not again. I will not go away. I'll stay. I will keep walking beside you. If you want.. I'll only choose projects which only includes you.. So we can be together all the time. Just.. Please.. Don't let me go.. Don't give up on us..", Singto uttered, his agony is evident in his begging voice.

Krist could feel Singto's warm tears sinking in his shirt, wetting his skin beneath his clothing, feeling like he is being pricked by a million thorns in his heart. He lowered his head, biting his lip, fighting his urged to turn around and take back what he just said then hug his beloved.

"Tuan..", he whispered, his tears keep falling as he held Singto's hand which were wrapped around his waist.

Singto tightened his embrace, his body is shaking as his tears keep pouring.

"Listen to me..", he continued, collecting his courage to go on.

"This is your long time dream. You have to follow it. Being together isn't always the solution. I can't provide you that fulfillment. When you reached your goals.. And you still feel like you want me in your life.. I promise you.. I will always be here waiting for you when you return..", he uttered, feeling weak on his knees.

Deep inside he wanted to ask the opposite. He wanted to beg Singto to stay. But he can't be selfish all the time. He knew Singto has been putting off that plan for a while now for his sake. Now it's his turn to sacrifice for his man.

The broken man began to loosen his grip. He can feel that Krist had already made up his mind.

"If so.. Let me spend the last days with you.. And treasure each moment together. I will bring the memories with me to keep me going. I swear I will come back for you.. Please.. Wait for me until then..", he finally agreed with a heavy heart, letting Krist go.

", he finally agreed with a heavy heart, letting Krist go

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"I'm sorry, Tuan.. But I don't think I can fulfill your request. I'm afraid I'll change my mind when the moment comes and you have to go.. It's good enough for me to know that you consider returning to me someday..", he thought to himself, sipping his tea while Win watches him with pity.

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