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All it took was a moment.

The last inning, the last at bat, the last batter. This was true for both the practice game and for Azumane Asahi.

He made a slight mistake, and that's all it took. Thinking that Karasuno had won the game, he pulled his helmet off behind the plate. The next thing the catcher knew, his entire world went black, the opponent's bat connecting to the back of his head.

The cries of Sugawara came from the dugout, "ASAHI!"

The entire Karasuno team flooded over to the catcher's side, the third year unconscious. The team captain and first baseman, Daichi yelled to Tanaka, "Call an ambulance!"

Within a couple minutes, Asahi was riding in the back of the ambulance, his teammates and opponents being questioned.

On the bus ride to the hospital, everyone was quiet.

Daichi sighed, "Well, what now?"

Hinata tilted his head, "What do you mean, Daichi-san?"

The captain looked down, "We need a catcher. We can't play without one."

Sugawara perked up, "Daichi, what if we called her in?"

The mentioning of a female caught the ear of the entire bus, especially the first-year pitcher, Tobio Kageyama. Kageyama had a bad reputation as the King of Diamonds, a name given to him from his teammates at Kitagawa Daiichi. Being Karasuno's starting pitcher, the change affected him the most. He'd only recently gained the trust of Asahi, now he has to get to know someone new?

Daichi nodded, "Yeah, we could do that. Call her when we get to the hospital, I'm sure that she'll help us out."

.  .  .

Sugawara came back into the waiting room, all of his teammate's eyes turning to him. The vice captain smiled brightly, "We have a catcher!"

The boys let out a log breath they didn't know they were holding in. Ennoshita, the backup first baseman, frowned, "You said before that a girl would be joining us. Who is she?"

Suagwara smiled lightly, "She's a prodigy, even better than Asahi. She was a nationally ranked catcher last year in middle school, but like Kageyama, her team just barely missed nationals. She's actually a first-year in high school, class 1-5 at Karasuno. So you four," He pointed to Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kageyama, and Hinata, "might know her already."

Tsukishima 'tch'ed, making Yamaguchi smile lightly. Just as Sugawara was about to tell the team her name, coaches Ukai and Takeda walked through the doors with their third year manager Kiyoko Shimizu. Coach Ukai took the lead, "Asahi's fine, aside from a major concussion." "Although," Takeda continued, "considering that he was hit with a metal bat, we're lucky that a concussion's the only thing that's wrong."

Ukai and Shimizu nodded. Ukai continued, "He's out for the rest of the season though. From what  Shimizu's told me, I understand you already have a new catcher."

Daichi and Sugawara nodded.

Ukai smiled, "Well, at least that's good. Asahi's going home tonight, though. So let's head home and let him get outta here. We'll meet up at the field for practice again on Monday. Make sure to get plenty of sleep this weekend, boys."

With that, they left the hospital.

Despite his best efforts to fall asleep that night, Kageyama lay awake. The only thing he could think about was what happened that night with Asahi. The other thought that occupied his mind was of the new catcher. Would he be able to work with her? Would he manage to gain her trust?

.  .  .

That weekend went by in an instant, the Karasuno baseball team back in school. Minus Asahi, that is. The catcher would be taking a week off from school to help his head heal a little before he started to do schoolwork.

As soon as the last bell rang, Kageyama sprinted by Hinata's classroom, the ginger running right after him. When they passed Tsukishima and Yamaguchi's classroom, they earned a sicker from the other first-year duo, to which they replied with a glare as they continued to run down the halls, an unspoken challenge with the other.

The first one to the clubroom was Hinata. With a laugh, he turned to the black-haired, blue-eyes boy. "Ha! I win this time, Bakageyama! That's 34 wins, 36 losses, and one tie!"

closing the clubroom door behind them, Kageyama lets out a sigh, "Whatever."

The two quickly got changed and headed over to the field that the team practiced on. Realizing that both dugouts were locked, Kageyama pouted, "Get your cleats on, boke! Let's see if you can catch a few pop flies!"

Unaware to the boys, a girl standing at (your height) with (H/L) brown hair tied up in a bun, and a baseball bag filled with catcher equipment was watching everything unfold.

As the boys tied their cleats, she also tied hers, eager to get back on the field.

Kageyama threw a few pop flies to the ginger, and as he got the ball back for the fifth time, he decided that Hinata wasn't working hard enough.

Winding back his arm, ready to throw the fastball he was famous for, the girl emerged from the shadows, a glove covering her non-dominant hand. 

Wind making the small hairs in her face fly, she caught the fastball with ease, shocking both of the boys who were warming up. Kageyama especially was stunned, by not only her speed and agility, but also by her beauty.

Throwing a smirk behind her shoulder, she looked at Kageyama, "That was a 90 mile-per-hour fastball. How the hell'd you throw that?"

The pitcher pouted, "Who are you and how'd you catch that?"

The girl smiled, "Just your average high-school girl."

While the girl and Kageyama were locked in a staring contest, Sugawara, Tanaka, and Daichi came running towards the field. Sugawara shouted to the girl, "(F/N)! Hey!" The girl turned to the trio running towards her, "Suga! Daichi! Long time no see!"

Kageyama thought to himself, she sure seems like she knows Daichi-san and Sugawara-san pretty well.

The vice-captain smiled, "Guys, this is Azumane (F/N)! Starting today, she's our new catcher!"

Kageyama almost spat out the water he just took a sip of;

This is the prodigy catcher Sugawara-san talked about?!

.  .

Hey hey hey!

I am so excited to write this book! I've had this idea in my head for a long time now, so being able to finally write it makes me really happy!

Unlike my other books, this is a Baseball AU! so they're not playing volleyball. Also, every chapter will be in third person POV.

Thanks for reading and if you have any suggestions, please comment them!

Oya oya oya?


King of Diamonds~Kageyama Tobio x Reader~Baseball AU!Where stories live. Discover now