Chapter 3

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"Lead my way. Into the abyss. Show me what here brings you bliss." I watched my song travel and hit the mermaid spirit floating in the water in front of me.

"Well, how do you feel, Aquarius?" Lucy asked. The whole reason we were doing this was to test if my magic could affect Celestial Spirits since Lucy had heard that her friend Yukino would be part of the Sabertooth team.

"Are you trying to make me angry? Scorpio and I have a date tonight so don't call us. And if you fight that woman who stole your keys last time... I want first crack at her." Aquarius said before disappearing in a gold flash of light.

"Well, I guess that answers that question. I wonder if it's because Celestial Spirits are manifestations of power instead of having physical bodies." I muttered.

"Well, it was worth a shot. No harm done in trying. Let's switch it up for a while. Work on muscles and agility. Laxus, Bix, you ready?" Angel spoke up.

"Born ready, baby. But let's put some runes up first. Freed, we need rules for no offensive spells form anyone inside, no quitting until you drop, and no using someone else as a shield," Laxus instructed the male script wizard.

"Of course. Should I also add some surprises."

"Not too many. We're starting off small." Angel answered Freed's question. I sat with the others and watched while Freed enchanted a large portion of our reserved beach front for our next exercise.

"So what exactly will we be doing?" I asked curiously.

"It's something Laxus likes to call dodge or fight. We work on our bodies just as hard as our magic so we can always fight for our friends. Fairy Tail always gets back up. So, what we're doing is letting Laxus throw attacks or use a defensive spell to block it." Angel explained.

"And why until we drop?"

"To push our limits, Church Mouse. No one gets better by only doing what they know they're capable of." Laxus answered this time.

"Would you stop with the 'Church Mouse' already? I'm not all that much smaller than you."

"Sure. But I've still got at least eighty pounds on you. You're not much bigger around than Angel or Lucy." I laughed outright in Laxus' face when his words registered in my ears.

"You're funny, Laxus. If it came down to who was the biggest, I'd crush them. And I'm not fishing for compliments, just stating fact. I've got a few curves in extra places and I'm proud of them. But I'm not small in any sense of the word."

"Sure you are. Your soul is small. Don't worry, it'll grow with the bonds you make in Fairy Tail. Everybody's soul starts small." Bickslow spoke up. I turned to look at him, still confused by the visor he wore with his swim trunks.

"My soul? You're a Seith mage?" I asked.

"Yeah." I didn't understand why Bickslow deflated when he answered me until I remembered what Master Makarov told me.

"That's amazing, Bickslow. You get to see the truth about people and the most beautiful parts of them."

"You wanna compliment magic, do it on your own time. Right now, it's time for dodge or fight. Everyone inside the runes. We got work to do."

"See you on the other side, baby. Don't go overboard. Today's about testing limits." Angel reminded Laxus, giving him a kiss before walking towards the runed area. I blush and turned my eyes away form the scene, walking to the runes myself. As soon as all the team members were inside the runes, they activated and raised up like barriers around us.

"Alright babies, Line Formation!" Bickslow shouted. His totems lined up and shot green beams of magic at us. Most everyone dodged, with the exceptions of Gajeel, Erza, and myself who blocked the attack. Now him calling them babies makes sense. They're lost souls he's collected.

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