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It was a quiet morning, possibly too quiet. Until you heard a loud crash. You got up to see what it was, it was just your mother being a klutz. She had accidentally dropped a glass plate, so you got the broom and helped her clean it all up. "Mum are you okay? Did something scare you?" you said, "No honey, I didn't have a too good of a grip on the plate, and dropped it." she said back in a soft tone. "Hey! Isn't the Hunter Exam today?" she asked curiously. Your eyes would widen, knowing that you completely forgot about the Hunter Exam. "Oh crap! I forgot I should probably get ready before the Hunter Exam starts!" You said as you started to quickly walk to your room to get ready. You ran back out into the kitchen, grabbing [your favorite snack to eat in the morning] to eat before going to your mother and giving her a tight hug. "Please be careful sweetheart, don't trust anyone." she would say sternly, hugging me back. "Mummm I knoww." You said in an annoyed voice. "Y/N, I'm just looking out for you sweetie. You know how I feel about strangers. Especially those edgy people that are in the Hunter Exam!" she explained as you were still embraced in the hug, with your arms dangling at your sides. She'd let go of you and kissed your forehead. "Y/N I'm just looking out for you, you're the only thing I have left. Ever since your father left us, and moved away. I've been so miserable and out of it". she said in a bit of a sadder tone than before. "Mum, don't be sad! I was sad when he left us too, but you just have to move on and forget about the past! I promise, it'll all be okay." You said back, reassuring her that everything will be alright. Your mum releases you and looks at you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "Please be careful." she said a little worried. "I will mum, I promise." you said back before heading to the door, waving your mother goodbye as you run out the door. "Bye, mum! I love you!!" you yelled. 

(This is my first ever story, so I hope you all enjoy it. I hope you enjoy it as much I enjoyed writing it.)

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