Chapter Two

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Sasha started to laugh, telling Jean that you like him. Jean smirked at you, seeing you blush.

"So you do like that Eren kid?" Jean asked.

"Y-Yes..." You studder.

"I knew it." Jean said.

"It was obvious." Sasha said. You shot her a dirty look.

"It wasn't that obvious." You say, blushing.

"Ok! It's my turn." Sasha said.

"Truth or dare?" Sasha asked Marco.

"D-Dare?" Marco said.

"I dare watch 2 Girls 1 Cup." Sasha said.

"Seriously? Two girls one cup? That was like so 2 years ago." Marco sighed.

"Just watch it, I can't think of anything else." Sasha said. Marco rolled his eyes and tried to find the video, but it was impossible.

"This truth or dare game is getting boring, let's just go to sleep." Jean said, yawning. Sasha jumped on the couch and closed her eyes. Marco went to the chair, so that left you and Jean.

"Let me guess, your gonna call Eren." Jean said.

"Yep." You replied.

"I'm going to bed, you can sleep on the floor somewhere." Jean said. You video called Eren, and he answered right away.

"Hi (f/n)." He said, smiling.

"Sorry I didn't answer your call, I was watching a movie." You sigh.

"It's okay, but i'd like you to meet Armin." Eren said. He got up and walked to a room, were Armin was sleeping.

"What time is it there?" You ask.

"He should be waking up, it's 9:30..." Eren said.

"I'm still awake at 2:30." You laugh. Eren started to shake Armin.

"Wake up, coconut!!" Eren yelled. Armin got startled, and accidently smacked the alarm clock off of the nightstand.

"H-Huh?" Armin said. The alarm clock hit Eren in the thy.

"Armin!!" Eren yelled.

"Eren, what do you want?" Armin asked.

"I want you to meet (f/n)." Eren said, handing the phone to Armin. Armin just let out a quick hi and gave the phone back to Eren.

"He's shy sometimes." Eren said, putting his hand behind his head. You let out a long yawn.

"You must be tired, maybe I should let you go." Eren said. You ran down to Jean's room, were he layed out a blanket for you.

"Bye Eren!" You say, waving.

"Bye." Eren said. You forgot to disconnect the video call, and so did he. Jean woke up when you fell asleep.

"I wanna ask her out, but what if she rejects me?" Eren asked himself. Jean snatched the phone from the charger.

"Y-You like (f/n)?" Jean asked. Eren looked up, and started to blush.

"Who the hell are you?!" Eren asked.

"I'm Jean." Jean said.

"You promise that you never tell (f/n) about this!" Eren shouted.

"Oh, she likes you too." Jean said. Eren's eyes widened.

"S-She does?" Eren asked.

"Yeah, but I suggest that you give her a little time." Jean said.

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