Vas Happenin'?,I Screamed right after I Slammed the Door."OMG I received a Letter from the school and We have to get back to school for Class and We Have only 1hr to prepare!",Sophia Protested WHAT?! 1HOUR?! T-Then Where's the rest?!,I Panicked "They're Getting Ready,Now Hurry up!"Sophia hurried me.
I dashed to my room take a Quick Shower and Wore my Pink shirt with the 1D Hoodie on it plus my fav Pink Short.
"Are You Guys Done yet?!" Sophia has been repeating for almost 100th time! "Yes We Are!"Kate,Samantha and I Say inunison.
"Then Lets get going!",I Protest. "Hey girls,Do you have any idea why are we called back to class?"Samantha Asked. "If I had any idea I would tell u guys eariler!"Sophia Exclaimed.
When We Reached School,We Realise One Thing,There's No One!
"Um,I Thought....."Sophia Stunned and Everyone stared at her."Its Not My Fault!"
One Direction Entered My Life*In Editing*
FanfictionCarly Carlos a 16 Year old girl Studied in Collage with her 3 other good friends Kate Becky,Samatha Lloyd and Sophia Frankie.One Day,They Met 5 Boys from One Direction,and things started to change