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Seoho did not stop. He ran as fast as his feeble legs could take him to the one place that gave him comfort. It was a spot he often had picnics with his family; under an orange blossom tree. Fond memories were associated with it, but there was an unexplainable force that always pulled him back. The reason he had suggested it in the first place.

Twelve-year-old Seoho did not want to leave the comfort of his room, his eyes stuck to his computer screen, just to sit around in a noisy park eating food. Unable to remember the method via his family had managed to convince him, he leisurely walked around, thinking he should make the most out of it. He never hated nature, instead, he was fascinated by the small creatures, like the squirrel he had been chasing after, stopping after the scampy animal ran up a nearby tree. 

The same tree.

Now, the same Seoho who had started to beg his family to shift under the tree which had caught his fascination was enveloped by the partially exposed roots, acting as a comforting seat, he let out all his wave of emotions in one chillingly shrill scream. He closed his eyes to hide his unexpected tears as all the memories came back to him.


The sun had travelled its distance, signifying the evening, but Seoho still found himself cooped up in his little sanctuary, being overcome with an inability to leave. 

The memories hurt. 

Both of his souls were scared.

Scared of everything that had previously happened and what was to come.

"So, you too eventually came here?"

Seoho did not need to lift up his head to know the owner of the voice. Geonhak stood next to his hunched figure, leaning his shoulders against the trunk, "I always wondered why this tree always got me back, why it had such a magnetic pull."

Not caring about dirtying his expensive custom-tailored navy suit, his knees buckled slowly, proceeding to take a seat beside Seoho who he noticed had slightly raised his head to monitor his movements. Maintaining some space, Geonhak adjusted his pants to suit his laid back position, his crisp white shirt met the moss-covered dirty bark and his legs lay outstretched, dusting his hands. 

The two stared off into the distance, focusing their gaze on the group of children further away from them, kicking around their football, their competitive cries filling their silence. Their eyes were unable to connect but their hearts already had; their red thread of fate weaving them closer.

From the corner of his eye, Seoho saw Geonhak fidget with his fingers, playing with his rings. He had his eyebrows furrowed, a habit of his when he was unable to fully articulate himself.

"Then I had a dream. It was on the day I gave you that gift, that tie." 

He laughed, a small one showing amusement. It made Seoho feel a bit queasy, unexpectant. "That too. I didn't know why I wanted to give it to you so badly."

Seoho knew the answer before Geonhak could even explain it. It represented his first gift, his wedding dress, however cynic it may have been at that time. It still meant something to both of them.

"We had not even met each other. I had just seen your portfolio, but your name had hit a chord."

Geonhak moved forward, leaving his support and folding his legs, somehow making Seoho feel at ease. It felt like he was talking to someone more familiar and casual.

"Lee Seoho," Geonhak murmured. His name sounded so familiar yet so foreign.

"And then I saw your profile picture and I thought 'Ah! I want him to be under me'."

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