Kurger Bing

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"Alright, here's what we're gonna do...... we gonna rob a burger king." Kanda states. Allen nods. "here's the plan. We put ski masks on, hold out of innocence weapons or something. A gun maybe? Anyway, we inter and we demand they make us food and give us money. If they deny, you stab me with yur sword and I gush out fake blood and fake die" Kanda says. Allen starts writing down notes and draws really shitty drawings.

Kanda huffs. "Once they give you our items, we ride inside of timcanpy and fly away to a mcdondalds tourture dungeon and celebrate in victory. we eat our prizes and spend our money. Got it?" Kanda asks. Allen nods once again.

The two idiots go through with their plan. Giggling an being teenage girls while walking to burger king. They enter "FREEZE. THIS IS A ROBERY. GIVE US YOUR MONEY AND MAKE US ALL UR FOOD NOW!!!!!" Kanda yells. "Uh, no." The employee says. A laughtrack plays throughout the room. Allen stabs Kanda with the sword and fake blood comes out. "Y-YOU IdiOt, YoU w-we-w-" Kanda falls to the ground and fake dies. Laugh track.

The employee gets a boner and does what the demand was. gasp track. Once Allen gets the stuff, they dip through timcanpy and fly to a McD's torture dungeon. They celebrate in joy and eat their food. They buy luxury things and live the rest of their days killing peole PLOT TWIST LAUGH TRACK GASP TRACK SUS AMOGU 

(After writing this, I no longer feel the need to live)

Allen Walker but he can't walkWhere stories live. Discover now