Enchanted (one shot)

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Third Person POV

Once upon a time, in the village of Terabithia, there was a girl who lived a simple life. Her name's Amber Leigh. She was a little woman, with brown, dull hair, elaborately arranged, and had a prominent amber eyes. Behind those, are dark and yellow copper tint, with hues of hazel-green, and brown, which are full of sorrow and yearning for love.

A couple of weeks ago, her father died, because of over fatigue. Her father works every day, and refuses to rest, just to give her a better life. Sadly, he could no longer endure the pain and exhaustion. His body surrenders, which led him to death. The only thing that Amber Leigh depends on, is a book that she bought at Abingora Market.

"I want to have a similar kind of life that is written in this book. Perfect family, having wealth or great possessions. I wish I could have those things, and be like them." Envy are evident in the reflective light of her irises, which casts off a near translucent golden color.

Amber Leigh's eyelids gradually felt heavy, and then everything went black.

There was a ray of light that gently hits her eyes, which aroused her from her deep sleep. A path takes place, and opened up in front of her. "Oh my gosh, w-where am I? W-What is this place?" Fear and amusement are visible in her eyes. A shade of gold, scatters some light around her irises.

"I'm glad that you're awake..." A giant man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost completely hidden by his long, shaggy hair, and a wild, tangled beard, but his eyes are visible, glinting like black beetles under his hair. Those green eyes seems mesmerizing.

"W-Who are you? A-And, w-why am I here?" Amber Leigh asked, with a stutter.

"Did I scare you? I'm sorry, my name is Caspian Willoughby, and I found you in the middle of Ellesmere forest, laying down, and unconscious. I panicked, so I immediately brought you here in my house," He huskily said.

"What the! How come that I landed there? That was quite fascinating. What am I going to do now? I don't know this place, and I don't even know how I got here. I feel like my head will break into pieces." These are the thoughts that are running inside Amber Leigh's mind.

Caspian remains looking at her intently, admiring her outrageous beauty. "Her skin, glistening from the neon light, coming from the paved court, through the slits of the blinds. Her soot-black lashes matches her amber eyes, more vacant than ever."

"Hey calm down... Don't think too much. You can stay here, if you want, I actually don't mind. Just tell me if you need something, okay? Just knock on my door beside this room. Just rest for now to regain your strength. I'm going now," Caspian said, looking at Amber Leigh, who's deeply thinking.

Days... Week... Months had passed, they reconciled to each other. Caspian always takes her to various beautiful places in Ellesmere. He likes seeing those warm, musky, rich and honey-like, and also somewhat earthy, in Amber Leigh's eyes.

"Did you enjoyed it? I hope you did," Caspian said, with bliss in those hues of a forest, surrounded with dark moss, eyes.

"Of course! I'm happy as long as I'm with you. When I'm with you, I'm no longer the girl who's lonely and yearning for love," Amber Leigh said, sincerely looking directly into Caspian eyes.

"I could see wind-stirred waves in her eyes. If one were brave enough to enter their depths, all else would blur and you'd fall so deep in love that you'd choose to stay there, no matter what. Of that, I'm completely sure. But I know that what's happening now will not last forever." These are the thoughts that are running into his mind. He just smiled sadly, while Amber Leigh giggles.

"I have something to tell you, Amber Leigh," Caspian said, in a serious tone.

"Ok... Spill it out," Amber Leigh said, with an innocent voice.

"I lied to you... I didn't saw you in the middle of the forest," Caspian confessed.

"W-What? W-What do you mean?" Amber Leigh asked, in a broken voice.

"Do you remember what you said before you fell into a deep slumber? You wish that you want to be like in the book, right? You don't have any idea that, t-that book is magical. Do you get what I'm saying?" Tears rolls down from his cheeks.

"N-No, n-no, please stop, no, I don't believe you," Amber Leigh said, while bursting into tears.

"H-Hey don't make this harder for me... You need to go back to reality Amber, y-you have a beautiful reality, you will be happier in your reality, because something will come that you wouldn't expect. I promise you, that you will no longer be a poor girl... Believe me," then he burst into tears.

"I-I don't believe you anymore..." I felt like I'm broken into pieces... Amber Leigh thought.

"P-Please, b-believe me, just this once," Caspian said, in a pained voice.

"You need to wake up Amber... I love you," Caspian said between his tears.

"I love―" Amber Leigh wasn't able to finish what she wanted to say, when her vision became blurry, and then everything went black.

"No!" She gasped, when she woke up. N-No, n-no, I'm back, I'm back now in my reality. A knock awakened her mind. She unconsciously opened the door, and was surprised from what she saw.

Amber Leigh stood in front of a mid-40's woman, standing at the doorway, waiting patiently, with tears in her amber eyes.

"Amber... I'm back, and I will not leave you again," she said, with teary eyes.

"M-Mom... M-Mom," She suddenly felt like she couldn't speak nor utter a word, except the word "Mom".

I'm happy for you Amber. I wish you to have a happy life... Sometimes, facing reality isn't the easiest thing to do, but accepting your current situation can make you happier in the present, and lead you to a better future. Understanding, accepting, and living in the reality are both practical and have a purpose. Acknowledging your reality will help you see your dreams, and will help you achieve them.

She suddenly heard Caspian's voice. "Yes... I will. Thank you," Amber Leigh sincerely said.

I will never forget you.

I love you.

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