Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Harry woke up at arond 10:30. He moaned after a long nights rest. He turned and saw the love of his life, Louis. He smiled and kissed him on his littly sleepy nose. He sat up and stretched quietly, not wanting to wake Lou. He got up and put on a pair of pants, remembering taking them off the night before, him and Louis experimenting with some new "techniques" they had learned from reading last nights fanfic. They enjoyed doing that together, reading some-what made up stories about their love life, and making them come to life in the bedroom. It was the best part of the night for Harry. Louis, thought it was plain out silly, but he went along with it, for the sake of Harry. Harry walked into the kitchen, hearing the voicemail machine go off.

"You have one new message. *beeep* Hey Harry, it's Liam. At around noon me and the lads are coming over. See ya soon" It said. Harry sighed and walked over to the fridge, opening it up and looking for a bite to eat. He grabbed out the milk and got a box of cereal out of the cupboard. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and sat at the table, eating alone. He grabbed the remote and turned on the television, finding a show to watch. He scrolled through channels until he found one satisfying enough.  He began shoveling spoons of chocolate flavored cerleal into his mouth until he heard some motion in the bedroom. He tunred and saw Louis waking up. He continued eating. Louis walked out stretching his arms, making Harry look at his boxers. He smiled and looked back up and Lou.

"Morning babe" he said to the sleeping walker, managing to make his way to the young boy. Louis smiled and yawned.

"Morning" He said, reaching in for a kiss.

"The boys are coming over in an hour or so, so we have to tidy up a bit." Harry said. Louis grunted.

"Can't we just have the day to ourselves for once? Jesus christ, I'm too lazy to do anything today..." Louis said, rumbling off about his busy life. Harry laughed and just gazed into his eyes, taking in the boys cuteness. Louis realized Harry staring at him and stopped. "Do you find this funny?" He asked, beging to grin as we walked closer to Harry. Harry shook his head biting his lip. Louis leaned in smiling and kissed Harry lips again, this time with more passion. Harry kissed back, deeper and could feel Louis' smile begin to fade in his lips. They began kissing deeper and deeper until Harry tongue touched Louis bottom lip, asking for entrance. Louis gladly let him in, enjoying the younger boy taking charge for once. Their tongues fought for a minute, until Louis won, taking the lead from Harry. They kissed for a few moments more until Louis began laughing. He couldn't help himself, after thinking about things that came up from last night.

"Goodjob Lou, you ruined the moment" Harry said smirking.

"I'm sorry. I just started thinking about what your mum said.." He said, trying to hold back his laughter.

"I thought you said we wouldn't talk about it!" Harry retorted, trying not to remember the convorsation. Louis smiled and began laughing some more, not being able to contain it anymore. Harry tried holding back a smile, but seeing Louis laughing brought enjoyment to him. He stood up and took his cereal bowl to the sink, setting it in gently. He walked back over to find Lou on the couch, on his phone. Harry hopped over the back, landing on Louis, causing him to drop his phone on the floor. He wrapped his arms around the young boy, laughing as he almost fell off of his lap along with the phone. They got settled and and intertwined fingers, Louis nuzzling his head into Harry's kneck. They watched t.v. for a bit until they heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Harry yelled, hoping it was the boys so he wouldn't have to get up.

"Liam, Zayn and Niall" Liam said as he opened the door. They all walked in, going toward the couch.

"Why'd you knock?" Harry asked, puzzled because they usually never did.

"Well I didn't want to walk in on one of you with your pants of or something, learned that from last time...." Liam said. Harry smiled at Louis, him having a cheeky grin. Zayn walked over and smiled.

"Look at you two, all lovey dovey and muah muah muah" Zayn said, trying to make kissing noises at the couple. They smiled. All the boys sat down, Liam grabbing the remote on his way. They flipped through channels again, finding a movie.

"So guess what Harry's mum said yesterday at brunch" Louis said. Harry rolled his eyes and stood up leaving Louis lap, and walking over to the other couch sitting by himself.

"What'd she say?" Niall asked, munching on a bog of chips.

"She said thast she wouldn't be surprised is I topped because Harry doesn't have enough power to get out from under bottom" Louis said, all three boys started laughing as Harry put his head on his lap.

"Guys, it's not funny!" Harry yelled, throwing a pillow at Niall who was laughing the most. It missed him and his the lamp, causing it to almost fall of the desk until Zayn caught it.

"Nice one" Louis said. Harry grunted and went into the bathroom. He shut and locked the door. He took a short wizz and then washed his hands. While he was drying it he heard a soft knock on the door and a whisper.

"Who is it." Harry demanded, still mad.

"It's me love, let me in" Louis said. Harry rolled his eyes.

"No. Go away" He said back. He heard Louis sigh at the other side of the door. He rolled his eyes again and walked over to the door, unlocking it and walking back towards the corning, not looking at Lou.

"Oh come on, you know I'm just playing around" Louis said, placing his hand on Harry's shoulder. He shook it off, crossing his arms. Louis leaned in and kissed him on the neck. Harry couldn't resist, Louis knowing what that did to him. Harry turned around, allowing Louis to kiss again, leaving a love bite on his neck, then begining to kiss more and more up his neck onto his chin and then his botton lip. He sucked on it a bit, the bit his making the young boy moan a little. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis waist and pulled him closer, their privates touching now. Harry moved over to the toilet, making sure the lid was closed, having Louis sit on it. He sat on his laps, putting his legs on both sides of him, and began kissing his lips. They kissed more and more until they began making out feircly, Louis hands going on Harrys hips now, pulling him as close as he could be. Harry's waist began moving up and down in circular motion, trying to please the boy underneath him, yet satisfying his horny-ness. His arms went into Louis hair, grabbing and tugging it, bringing more passion into the kiss. They began getting rougher until they heard a knock on the door. It was Niall.

"Hurry it up you two, I have to pee" Niall said. Harry smiled and Kissed Louis one more time until getting of his lap. They walked out together smirking at eachother until Niall ran inbetween them, slamming the bathroom door shut.  They laughed and held hands, returning to the couch. The other lads were playing xbox now, yelling at the game and at eachother. You could tell Liam and Zayn had a bond, not as public as Louis' and Harry's, but you could feel the connection. They flirtatiosly shoved eachother, trying to make the other one mess up. It was extremely cute! Harry and Louis walked over to the couch, sitting next to eachother, watching the two boys play. Louis put his feet on the arm of the couch and put his head on Harry's lap. Harry gently played with Louis hair. Louis enjoyed it as it turned him on a bit. Louis was done with this boys games. Tonight, he would show him who's boss.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2012 ⏰

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