Chapter 4

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The final press of they keypad resulted in confusion as the following sound was not that of a welcomed entrance but blatant denial.

"Incorrect pin, try again," was the message displayed upon its small screen.

And the girl followed its advice, trying her code again before becoming confused at her prohibited enterance. She didn't get her code wrong, not the second time at least for she had been exceedingly careful in the tap of each didget. So, was this a prank by her family - their idea of a fun birthday trick? No. That was unlikely. They didn't know her code. Then was the machine broken? Maybe.

She drew the phone from the pocket of her pants, bringing the contact list up. She clicked upon the call icon, moving to lean her back lightly upon the door. The call didn't go through. And for a second she had thought that the technician had hung up on her. But upon further inspection she instead found that a lack of connection was the cause. Was the tower down?

After colour filled her marks she had assumed that the following day would be lucky, but contrarily, that event seemed to have used up all of her luck.

Unsure of what to do she decided to return to university. She would wait in the libary until it was almost time to meet her family, unable to contact them and tell of her exciting news or her mishaps she had resigned to wait.

She dordeled down the stairs, not particularly upset, the overflowing happiness of the colourful marks taking her mind on a blissful journy down the stream of imagination.

It appeared to her that nothing could break her mood, yet, the sighting of a sign above a store opposed to her apartment proved her wrong.

"Korea's idols take the world by storm. Don't miss out. BTS latest album out Friday!"

Were the words that accompanied an image of seven stunning inderviduals.

'When did they change the poster? When did they have time to make it an electric billboard? It was a simple plaster and image the last time I checked, and that was two days ago. Who are these seven dashing men and why have I not heard of them?'

Were the thoughts that raced along the disoriented tracks her mind as she staired up.

Although she was cemented in her place, it was only a brief instance, the confusion still not enough to ruin her day. So she pulled one leg from the ground and then the next as she moved onwards.

Along her return to the institution she had left such a short time ago, her eyes fell upon inconsistencies that her brain could not, even in it's peak condition, comprehend. The pizza shop that was called 'Paradise' when she called them three sundays ago now it doned the name 'Romeo's Authentic Italian'. The little toy store has changed its window display. Ok that one isn't that unusual, but in her defense the last change had been less then a month past. Did toys nowdays have such a frequent turnover? The lawers on the corner, the small building modern yet frugal in nature, was now a computer archaide. And that wasn't a common switch, especially when their buisness had been thriving.

Unable to make sense of these shifts she decided to just ignore, to face her problems later. Now was a time for celebration. And celebration was a good distraction from trying to figure out her impossible reality - time travel.

She reached the central libary and waked in, taking a seat in a far corner where she hoped that her figure was hidden, especially hoping that the towering metal of the shelves would shild her from the menace of her bullies.

She picked up a book, eyes flying over the words as her brain took not even a single grain of information in. It was preoccupied, trying to imagine the first meeting between her and her soulmates; Though, it could come nothing close to the events that would unfold.

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