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We enter in   building to get
Tae - y/n  don't were shot here  if you don't want  company run for male employees.
Y/n  - like I do care  uhh  seriously whats is with my shorts  sir 
. Do wat I say
Okk sir

Now they want in liftt she press 5  flour 

Tae - after done with your  work just come to my office ok
Ok sirr

Now liftt start to stop b/w  and giving a shrink to hole liftt

And finaly lights starts to fusee and lift is moving up down  giving shirnk to liftt

Tae pov

Ooooo shittttt mannnnnnn
I shout so loud I  was screening my life out not giving a fuck about anyone 
Pls pls save save save  god  I don't want to die in  liftt

Sweet in on my hands, had  and then I look toward y/n  

She is silent not moving  from a place  a d I go towards her and tap on her shoulder  and she liftt her face and sweat is alover her face and her  shirt also bcm wet and not say her red bra is not helping at all in this situation  but man I want to have a good die so I hold her by waist and bring her near to me and she put her hand so  tight on my waist     now we both were like hell. 
Um-- uhh  are you fine  y/n
She shock her had  signal she is not a again she shok her had signal she god
But she is hell scare. 
Same as tae  but it's that when she is scared she  stop processing anything and can't do anything
Now finally lift open   they separate each other   before going out
Tae - don't tell anyone  what happene their will you?? 
Y /n shokk her head again
Lee y/n I want you to speak
  Ye-- I'm  mean Noooooo
I won't  nothing happens uhh

So it's  such a late update
Bcs I give on this story Im written but some one request so how can I make  my lovely reders upsat
Hope you like it  so much love you all

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